NSFW The Trumpocalypse

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Grifters Gonna Grift - WhoWhatWhy

58 Palestinians dead, thousands injured. That's today's cost for dt's embassy ego trip.

If I were Palestinian, I would feel like setting the world on fire today.

And the pastor who led the prayer at the embassy dedication has said that all Jews will go to hell.

Nothing about this embassy move is rooted in principle. It's all about base motives, with no concern or thought for lives.

That's actually an incredibly well thought out piece :)

Bill Maher said:
“People call this presidency a reality show. It’s more like a Scorsese movie!

When Trump was accused of sexual harassment during the campaign, he brought in Bill Clinton’s accusers to sit in the gallery at the debate, “just like Michael Corleone brought Frank Pentangeli’s brother into court.”

“He’s so much like a Don his name is literally Don.”

“What part of this isn’t mob-like?”

He’s even got the fat guy from New Jersey, who he keeps around to make him look thin.

“And Joe Pesci was the campaign manager,” Maher snarked, over a photo of Paul Manafort.

“Oh and, of course, Fredo. Who they send to handle little things, like peace in the Middle East,” he added, as Jared Kushner appeared on screen.
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In the meantime, somewhere else in America ...

Oklahoma GOP candidate proposes Euthanasia for Disabled and Poor to Avoid Food Stamps

Rawstory said:
“Obviously, I’m not saying the Government [sic] should put these people down,” the Chrisforgov account wrote, contradicting its earlier statement. “I’m just saying that we shouldn’t keep them up.”

Of course he does not propose the Government should "put these people down".
Repugnicans firmly believe the Private Sector is much more efficient in such matters, so likely this should be out-contracted to the Prison Industry.....
A Law enforcement Official Reportedly Leaked Cohen's Sketchy Financial Records

Paul Biest said:
According to the official, Cohen had two other “suspicious activity reports” (SARs) aside from the one which provided the basis for Avenatti’s summary, but the official couldn’t find them in the system:

Those two reports detail more than three million dollars in additional transactions—triple the amount in the report released last week. Which individuals or corporations were involved remains a mystery. But, according to the official who leaked the report, these sars were absent from the database maintained by the Treasury Department’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network, or fincen.

The official, who has spent a career in law enforcement, told me, “I have never seen something pulled off the system. . . . That system is a safeguard for the bank. It’s a stockpile of information. When something’s not there that should be, I immediately became concerned.” The official added, “That’s why I came forward.”

“We’ve accepted this as normal, and this is not normal,” the official said. “Things that stand out as abnormal, like documents being removed from a system, are of grave concern to me.” Of the potential for legal consequences, the official said, “To say that I am terrified right now would be an understatement.” But, referring to the released report, as well as the potential contents of the missing reports, the official also added, “This is a terrifying time to be an American, to be in this situation, and to watch all of this unfold.”
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