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Apparently original reporting by BBC.

"Donald Trump's personal lawyer, Michael Cohen, received a secret payment of at least $400,000 (£300,000) to fix talks between the Ukrainian president and President Trump, according to sources in Kiev close to those involved."

This is interesting because this story, if true, would be sufficient to warrant a fast resignation (in a nomal, free, democratic country.)

It looks to me like Cohen is on the way out. Whether he'll resign or be sacked tomorrow or next year after some other story, you can't see him surviving indefinately. Then again, you never know these days. The rules are different.

If he does eventually go, it'll be very interesting to find out if after that he dishes dirt on Trump or remains loyal (i.e. silent).
Apparently original reporting by BBC.

"Donald Trump's personal lawyer, Michael Cohen, received a secret payment of at least $400,000 (£300,000) to fix talks between the Ukrainian president and President Trump, according to sources in Kiev close to those involved."

This is interesting because this story, if true, would be sufficient to warrant a fast resignation in a free, democratic country.

It looks to me like Cohen is on the way out. Whether he'll resign or be sacked tomorrow or next year after some other story, you can't see him surviving indefinately. Then again, you never know these days. The rules are different.

If he does eventually go, it'll be very interesting to find out if after that he dishes dirt on Trump or remains loyal (i.e. silent).
The worst part of it is that Trump sold to this swine Poroshenko the "Javelin" surface-to-air missiles. Doesn't Trump understand that it will be put into practice against the republic of Donbass???:eek: Against women, children and old people who can't flee??? I'm sorry, i'm going too far, but THIS is scary: Poroshenko has already tested them, and he's very satisfied:mad:
It looks to me like Cohen is on the way out. Whether he'll resign or be sacked tomorrow or next year after some other story, you can't see him surviving indefinately. Then again, you never know these days.

My preferred scenario would be that Mueller gives him immunity in exchange for information :D
Surface to air missiles are usually to attack planes right - what's the evidence that he would use them against civilians? If the target is civilians, I don't see why you would buy surface to air missiles that are specifically designed to target moving targets in the air and probably quite expensive?
Surface to air missiles are usually to attack planes right - what's the evidence that he would use them against civilians? If the target is civilians, I don't see why you would buy surface to air missiles that are specifically designed to target moving targets in the air and probably quite expensive?
He DID buy the Javelin and he assured everybody that he wouldn't use it in Donbass unless the offensive of russian militants. https://www.kyivpost.com/ukraine-politics/ukraines-armed-forces-test-javelins-video.html. I really hope you're right, and that it wouldn't come to using american weapon against Donbass:yes: It's just me being too emotional when it comes to this ******* Poroshenko who is exterminating his own nation, who is having vacations on Maldives while the people are starving, who is living in palaces while his people are forced to survive in fleabag hovels. Is it possible that the whole nation had made a fatal mistake having chosen the wrong president? I think this is the case. All Poroshenko can do is licking the Trump's boots. And exactly the same thing is doing the coward and fascist Dalia Grybauskaite (the lithuanian predident). I saw her do this with my own eyes on tv.:mad:
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He DID buy the Javelin and he assured everybody that he wouldn't use it in Donbass unless the offensive of russian militants. https://www.kyivpost.com/ukraine-politics/ukraines-armed-forces-test-javelins-video.html. I really hope you're right, and that it wouldn't come to using american weapon against Donbass:yes: I's just me being too emotional when it comes to this ******* Poroshenko who is exterminating his own nation, sho is having vacations on Maldives while the people are starving, who is living in palaces while his people are forced to survive in fleabag hovels. Is it possible that the whole nation had made a fatal mistake having chosen the wrong president? I think this is the case. All Poroshenko can do is licking the Trump's boots. And exactly the same thing is doing the coward and fascist Dalia Grybauskaite (the lithuanian predident). I saw her do this with my own eyes on tv.:mad:
Jesus Christ! I just have seen that today Kiev claimed that it has no intentions to comply with the terms of military-technical agreement with Washington which implies not using the U.S. weapon in Donbass. Even if civillians don't die, it would cause more and more demolition and havoc:confused:.
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Is it possible that the whole nation had made a fatal mistake having chosen the wrong president? I think this is the case.
It wouldn't be the first time a nation has done this ...!
All Poroshenko can do is licking the Trump's boots. And exactly the same thing is doing the coward and fascist Dalia Grybauskaite (the lithuanian predident). I saw her do this with my own eyes on tv.:mad:
I think many of the countries bordering Russia are stuck between a rock and a hard place. Either they are forced to do Russia's bidding, as was the case previously with Ukraine before the Orange revolution, and is still the case with countries like Belorussia and Russia's central Asian neighbours. Or they must ally with the west through NATO and the US, as is the case e.g. with the Baltic states, Poland, Norway. In Europe I can only think of one neighbour of Russia, Finland, which is neither a NATO member nor a vassal to Russia, and yet manages to have some degree of independence. (Of course, Finland already lost territory to Russia during WW2.) The fear and instability in these countries resulting from the uneasy relationship with Russia don't create fertile conditions for thriving democracies, which may explain some of the less attractive characteristics of some of these governments.
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