NSFW The Trumpocalypse

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OK, there's the stupidity of climate denial, but this is just a painful level of ignorance.... LMAO :argh::fp:

GOP lawmaker says rocks falling into ocean to blame for rising sea levels
Looking back in history, and to what we have done to this small beautiful planet, - all human beings must be wiped out of existence. :brood: And when the Earth gets rid of our destructive civilization, it will breathe the sigh of relief.:sigh:
P.S.: Sorry, it's just me being a little depressed recently.:pout: :D
Looking back in history, and to what we have done to this small beautiful planet, - all human beings must be wiped out of existence. :brood: And when the Earth gets rid of our destructive civilization, it will breathe the sigh of relief.:sigh:
P.S.: Sorry, it's just me being a little depressed recently.:pout: :D
Well, we're taking care of our own extinction better than anything else could.... :sadnod:
Looking back in history, and to what we have done to this small beautiful planet, - all human beings must be wiped out of existence. :brood: And when the Earth gets rid of our destructive civilization, it will breathe the sigh of relief.:sigh:
P.S.: Sorry, it's just me being a little depressed recently.:pout: :D
Don't worry - I frequently feel the same way.
Well, we're taking care of our own extinction better than anything else could.... :sadnod:

That was my thought as well.

You can say that this is arguably the one thing where Repugnicans and their Toxic Orange Figurehead have actually been quite successful so far.

And it also has to be pointed out in all fairness, that to some of their constituents, especially White Evangelicals of the foaming-at-the-mouth variety, this is a very valid goal and they are praising Dump in all earnesty for bringing "The End of Days/Armageddon/Apocalypse" a little closer, especially with his last stunt of moving the Israeli embassy to Jerusalem.

He is definitely on a much better track to become really successful on this count than other hopefuls before him, who did not have his means and fell tragically short of achieving anything really meaningful (e.g. David Koresh or Reverend Jim Jones)

So I can't really say that Repugnicans work against their own interests, just that some of their interests might not align with the interests of most people...
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Mischief, I have been speaking German and living in Germany for some decades, and have not heard any of these words yet ... so I suspect they might be made up.
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