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TIME tends to swing wildly back and forth between incredibly compelling and monumentally stupid, so I'm not putting too much credence in who their awards are going to.

That being said - the whole idea of a "person of the year" award that can go to someone pathetically evil just because they're influential is really iffy. Whether or not you're intending specifically to honor them, by putting them on the cover of your magazine and giving them such a grandiose title you're legitimizing them and putting them on a pedestal.
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Half an hour after Trump tweeted about Jones on Wednesday, the union leader's phone began to ring and kept ringing, he said. One voice asked: What kind of car do you drive? Another said: We’re coming for you.

He wasn’t sure how these people found his number.

“Nothing that says they’re gonna kill me, but, you know, you better keep your eye on your kids,” Jones said later on MSNBC. “We know what car you drive. Things along those lines.”
Donald Trump insulted a union leader on Twitter. Then the phone started to ring.
I just saw this result on YouGov.

Trump, person of the year?

5424 UK adults were questioned on 8 Dec 2016.
Results are weighted to be representative of the GB population.

Every year Time magazine announces a Person of the Year who "for better or for worse has done the most to influence the events of the year". This year they have made Donald Trump their Person of the Year. Do you think it was the right or wrong choice?

Right choice 28%

Wrong choice 49%

Don't know 23%



This week, President-elect Donald Trump took to Twitter to pick on one of our own - Chuck Jones, President of United Steel Workers Local 1999 in Indiana. Chuck's local union represents workers affected by Carrier's plans to outsource their jobs to Mexico.

After Chuck spoke up and told the truth about the number of jobs that would stay in the US according to the deal between Trump and Carrier, Trump took to Twitter. He tweeted a personal attack against Chuck and now threats have begun to come in against him and his family.

Working people have responded in droves. #ImWithChuck is trending on Twitter, we all want to show our support and stand up to this bullying.

Join us today and send a message of support to Chuck, his family, and his fellow union members --> sign our petition and we'll mail it to him for you.

Chuck Jones has been a passionate and tireless advocate for his members and for the middle class. He has fought every day to keep jobs in Indiana. His leadership is a shining example of what we need more of in this country: conviction, integrity, and grit. He does not deserve this.

An attack on Chuck Jones and Local 1999 is an attack on all working people. Please take a minute to fill out the petition with some encouraging words for Chuck, his family, and his union family members at Local 1999 (we have a sample but feel free to delete and make it your own!). These are our union brothers and sisters. Let's show them the Labor Movement stands with them.

The California Labor Federation will print out the messages and send them to Chuck Jones and USW Local 1999. Send one today!

You can also tweet your support using hashtags on Twitter and Facebook: #ImWithChuck and #WeAreWithChuck

In solidarity,

Rachel Warino
California Labor Federation

Donald Trump is a really disgusting creature.
That's okay. If something tragic happens on American soil because he's ignoring intelligence briefings, he and his supporters will simply blame Obama and the rest of the Democrats. Problem solved. :D
What you need to know about Rex Tillerson.

If Rex Tillerson is chosen as the Secretary of State in the USA, that will mean not a single woman or ethnic minority in any major position (President, Vice President, Chief of Staff, National Security Advisor, State, Treasury, Defence, Attorney General, Chief Strategist, CIA Director.) I also read somewhere he could be the first Secretary of State with no public sector experience. He is also very close to Russia and Putin. He has also given a lot of money to the Republican party over the years.

But even more important is that Rex Tillerson is CEO of Exxon Mobil, a fossil fuels company responsible for deliberately misleading the public in the US and UK and elsewhere about climate change by secretly setting up and funding think tanks to go on TV as independent experts and create the illusion of uncertainty in the debate, especially from 2003-2007.

Unlike some Republican senators and even Presidents that might have been fool enough back then to genuinely believe that human caused global warming was a hoax or greatly exaggerated, this was not possible if you're Rex Tillerson. Firstly, because you don't get to be CEO of a company that big if you're an idiot. He is probably a smart guy. Secondly, Exxon Mobil has been investigating climate change in huge depth for decades. When you've done that much research, as you inevitably will as a billion dollar company whose future depends on the answer, they knew many years ago.

In a recent stockholders meeting Tillerson laughed off the idea that they might make a tokenistic attempt to invest in a small amount of renewable energy, saying that they did not want to deliberately lose money. He is the ugliest face of free-market capitalism, and the strongest argument for green energy taxes on a much bigger scale. Rex Tillerson is the guy who has deliberately killed people so that he can have hundreds of millions of dollars personal fortune instead of tens of millions. Climate change already likely kills more than a hundred thousand people per year according to various studies and the emissions that we have already produced might extend that to millions in the future. Tillerson can easily be blamed for a chunk of that. And now this guy might get a seat at the table to negotiate international treaties.

And here's the kicker. If he really believes fossil fuels are good for the planet, why did he sue when someone tried to do fracking near his house, saying it would lower his proper values and damage the rural character of the area. Oops.

Almost all of Trump’s picks are terrible, but this one would be by far the worst. Donald Trump is just a naughty schoolboy compared to him.

Might the Republicans replace Obamacare with something similar? I would wonder if a Republican controlled country would just leave thing as they are, not improve healthcare for the poor, but not remove it for those that have now got it.

As for China, I think Trump might be right to stand up to the Chinese, it is silly that Taiwan can't be recognized as an independent nation just because the Chinese are bullies. And using it as a bargaining chip is also not a bad idea if the US can get something on trade.

However he would have been better off taking the call once he was actually President, and having informed the Chinese in advance.
Well something needs to be done. It's certainly not affordable for a large segment of the population.

Throwing the baby out with the bath water.

The ACA isn't perfect, but the answer isn't to knock it down and replace it with something even worse. It requires fine-tuning, and this congress with this president sure isn't equipped to do that.
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Might the Republicans replace Obamacare with something similar? I would wonder if a Republican controlled country would just leave thing as they are, not improve healthcare for the poor, but not remove it for those that have now got it.

Unfortunately probably wishful thinking, given that the Republican legislature has spent the last 8 years doing everything in their power to stop even the parts of the ACA that were bipartisan compromise from going through. It'll be dismantled pretty quick I imagine.

As for China, I think Trump might be right to stand up to the Chinese, it is silly that Taiwan can't be recognized as an independent nation just because the Chinese are bullies. And using it as a bargaining chip is also not a bad idea if the US can get something on trade.

However he would have been better off taking the call once he was actually President, and having informed the Chinese in advance.

The issue is that it's a stupid diplomatic move that puts citizens and their livelihoods at risk, regardless of whether or not China deserves that criticism. If the international community was governed by morals alone there'd be a lot more good being done in the world, unfortunately it's an ugly web.

Also, I can basically guarantee you that Clump has no idea what he's doing, good or bad, positive or negative. It's entirely possible for him to stumble into doing something good once in a while because he's literally less competent than a pile of rocks. It's also entirely possible for him to start a nuclear war because he's mad about something he saw on TV half an hour ago. That's what we're dealing with here.
The Affordable Care Act should only be replaced with a single-payer healthcare system.
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