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I'm not expecting it, but it'd be a really nice twist if we found out there was some kind of widespread fraud in this election and The Annoying Orange got disqualified. As of right now there are no smoking guns though and we're getting closer and closer to the electoral vote.
"The Annoying Orange"- Love it!!

A Woman Just Stood Up To Trump’s Latest Outburst On Twitter – And America Is Cheering Her On

SNL has made fun of presidents and presidents-elect for over four decades, and Donald Trump is the ONLY one who can't deal with it, has to spend time he should be using elsewhere to have VERY public outbursts over it. :fp:
Yep. Presidents of any political persuasion should always expect to get criticized. Goes with the territory.

I opened the article and was once again just, struck by how butt f*cking ugly the guy is. He looks like a bullfrog slipped on a mask made of scar tissue and its face fused with it.
The funny thing?... I don't know if you subjected yourself to the Republican debates, but I distinctly remember one point where The Donald ripped on Republican hopeful Carly Fiorina's appearance. I'm not 100% certain Trump is racist, but he is definitely sexist.
On another forum, there is a guy crying about the "violent" anti Trump protest.

I went through the news to get a collection of links to show Trump supporter violence, but I accidentally deleted it.

Can anyone direct me to a site that has been collecting/accumulating stories about violence committed by Trump supporters?

why we're afraid
More news.....

Trump considering fast-food CEO for labor secretary

The Article said:
President-elect Donald Trump is reportedly considering fast-food CEO Andrew Puzder for Labor Secretary.

Citing a transition officer who was not allowed to speak publicly about the process, The New York Times reported that the CEO of CKE Restaurants, a supporter of Trump’s campaign, is “gaining steam as a candidate to become the secretary of labor."

CKE Restaurants is the parent company of burger chains Carl’s Jr. and Hardee’s.
Puzder has been an outspoken critic of President Obama’s controversial rule expanding overtime pay, claiming it will force employers to offset costs by making cuts elsewhere.

I guess if it is possible to eliminate those pesky overtime and minimum wage laws, selfless companies will be able to create millions of new jobs ... :bang:
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"The Annoying Orange"- Love it!!

Thanks. I'm calling him anything and everything except his name, and I encourage everyone else to do the same. "Trump" is a short, powerful, sturdy word - he doesn't deserve it (much like he doesn't deserve that beautiful building on fifth avenue - one of my great laments of visiting NY was seeing that and having to reconcile its appearance with its owner). Plus, like Voldemort, robbing him of his name robs him of his power.

Yep. Presidents of any political persuasion should always expect to get criticized. Goes with the territory.

After what Obama's been through from the right despite in all honesty being fairly moderate, Dump's crybaby fits over things as harmless as SNL skits are absolutely pathetic.

The funny thing?... I don't know if you subjected yourself to the Republican debates, but I distinctly remember one point where The Donald ripped on Republican hopeful Carly Fiorina's appearance. I'm not 100% certain Trump is racist, but he is definitely sexist.

You're giving him a bit too much credit there. Remember, this is the guy who called Mexican immigrants rapists, claimed that a judge was unfit to oversee a case because he was Latino, and seems to think every Black person in the country lives in some trash-riddled alleyway in Detroit. Don't let his statements fool you. He lies about everything else, why would he be telling the truth about his?

As for the debates, I watched that **** with popcorn. That was back before things got truly scary, when everyone just assumed Jeb or Rubio would get the nomination and that Clump's candidacy was nothing more than a publicity stunt.
Thanks. I'm calling him anything and everything except his name, and I encourage everyone else to do the same. "Trump" is a short, powerful, sturdy word - he doesn't deserve it (much like he doesn't deserve that beautiful building on fifth avenue - one of my great laments of visiting NY was seeing that and having to reconcile its appearance with its owner). Plus, like Voldemort, robbing him of his name robs him of his power...
I, too, refuse to utter his name, especially with the word "president" in front of it. Not going to happen.
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"Trump" is a short, powerful, sturdy word - he doesn't deserve it (

When I was sort of forced to socialize on Thanksgiving, hangin' with the boys, I was roped into playing Euchre. I had only played it during a brief period many years ago & needed a tutorial from my partner (Jerry's bud).... I kept having to ask "What's trump?" and I cringed every time. :confused:

I'm more of a solitaire gal, myself... but I think Euchre is forever ruined. LMAO
Before anyone throws a fit, it's worth nothing that the Time thing is for the most notable person whether good or bad. Hitler and Stalin have won the "award" in the past.
Hitler and Stalin have won the "award" in the past.

Indeed, I am also aware of that ... however, my guess is that by the time they won the award, they were still considered to be "good guys"...

I note, however, that they said the award goes to Donald Trump, President-elect of the Divided States of America ... very astute!
Nigel Farage was also nominated ... TIME is correct that The Donald's victory is part of the recent ascent of nationalism happening across the world. I think this is happening because of the failure of globalised capitalism in delivering prosperity to everyone, not just the elite.
And I should add, because of the Left / socialism's failure in coming up with plausible solutions to some of the big challenges of our time.
o_O Do you think I'm a big Nigel Farage supporter? Lol. It's just people who have made an impact on 2016.:)
No, no, just wanted to point out that the UK almost got the "award" as well :)
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No, no, just wanted to point out that the UK almost got the "award" as well :)

Oh, okay, sorry, with all the hysteria around at the moment I just wanted to check I wasn't getting lumped in with the evil people that will destroy the world, lol.

And I should add, because of the Left / socialism's failure in coming up with plausible solutions to some of the big the challenges of our time.

Is socialism a realistic solution, though? :innocent:
Thanks. I'm calling him anything and everything except his name, and I encourage everyone else to do the same. "Trump" is a short, powerful, sturdy word - he doesn't deserve it (much like he doesn't deserve that beautiful building on fifth avenue - one of my great laments of visiting NY was seeing that and having to reconcile its appearance with its owner). Plus, like Voldemort, robbing him of his name robs him of his power.

Did you know that in the UK, 'trump' is slang for a fart?
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