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You put into words so beautifully what I wish I could say but I can't formulate thoughts as clearly in my head. Please rant away! :)
Oh thank you! You usually do that for me! :)
I love the quote-
“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”
Who's the ruler that makes traits of being good at test taking, paying attention to things, consistency and following rules the only ones that matter? Not just the traits that lead to great success, but the ones that allow you to have shelter, food, health needs, -the basic requirements of life itself without subjecting yourself to the governments care!
I think the idea of the government giving everyone a 'living salary' is - fair! What is money? Why do so many people have the ability to 'own' natural resources, kill animals and plantlife to gain their habitat, pollute the air and water--and become so rich their future generations can live off their profits!
Everyone should have the right, the freedom, to LIVE. Live without exploitating others, without profiting off others. Those with higher goals should be compensated, but not off the suffering of others who have different natures.
Now we trash people with other mindsets, causing them to have so little, undermine their intellegence and self esteem until their mentality is so poor they're often jailed rather than helped find their way.
When I was a teenager I read the book - I forget the book- but it was by R.D. Laing- The Politics of Experience I think. That was a long time ago, but it helped me immensely.
I don't have a link, but I understand a judge recently blocked the new overtime laws.

That just pisses me off. I get the potential hardship felt by small employers, and perhaps an exemption, or a slower implementation schedule could be proposed for them, but it's my understanding that the overtime laws haven't been updated (relative to the cost of living) in decades...

It's only reasonable to adjust the limits based on the current cost of living. Anything less is just greedy.
People on other American forums are saying that single parents could be hit very hard.

But that is not a problem for Trumps "target constituency" ... a "good" family according to Trumpists should have a working father and a stay-at-home mom.

(Everybody living in a different arrangement should have gone to vote for Clinton, as that is not exactly news...)

And, IMO, of course, so should have everybody in the "99%-not-the-wealthiest" group, but most of those were more concerned about other things...

It was not exactly not mentioned before the election that Mr. Trump as a billionaire is an unlikely champion of low-income-people's betterment of lifes.

But, of course, as by the logic of "trickle-down-economics", once the 1% richest persons have extra $200K per year available to buy an additional Mercedes for the maid or the kid, this will create unprecedented improvements for poor people everywhere...
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I found this app - it's "trending" in the App Store - so I installed it to see what it looks like. It's a great idea in theory.

BoycottTrump by Nathan Lerner
BoycottTrump on the App Store

It lists companies that all purport to have direct ties to Donald Trump. However, I don't know how up to date it is. For example, it lists companies that sponsor Celebrity Apprentice, and AFAIK, he no longer has ties to the show. Also I don't know if the app is available for Android or Windows. I'll keep the app installed for a while anyway.

ETA: Looking further at the app, the creator seems to have a certain degree of antipathy towards Celebrity Apprentice. For example, the app says to boycott NBC, which many people aren't going to do if there's an NBC program they like such as This is Us, because the network aired CA and continues to air it. Didn't they fire Trump from the show? (It's coming back on the air with Arnold Schwarzenegger as the new host, so not very much different from the old host except that the Terminator made his money the old-fashioned way - he actually earned it). Is it a network-owned property or a Trump-owned property? The app doesn't give any details on that. There are also no details on certain companies. It includes, for example, Bristol-Myers Squibb because it's a sponsor of CA, but doesn't list all the products the company makes, and a lot of people don't know what those products are without taking the time to do the research.

If Donald Trump does get to be sworn in as president, I hope this app improves significantly.
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I would have thought some Trump voters might be regretting their vote by now as the tax increases and cuts seem to be unfair from what I've read. People on other American forums are saying that single parents could be hit very hard. When Trump talked about cutting tax for the "forgotten" people in society, he seemed to mean America’s millionaire and billionaire class!

Trump's tax plan: massive cuts for the 1% will usher 'era of dynastic wealth' | US news | The Guardian
In an article I read the parents complaining made $70,000 and $90,000. I'm not a Trump supporter but it doesn't sound like he's raising taxes on single parents struggling to survive.
In an article I read the parents complaining made $70,000 and $90,000. I'm not a Trump supporter but it doesn't sound like he's raising taxes on single parents struggling to survive.

I'm just going by what I'm reading on other American forums about single parents, the people on there seem to have incomes way above average anyway (mostly financial forums) so it's hard for me to gage what American public opinion is on the result if they voted Republican. I mean, if they voted for Trump, but now they think that they might not be better off economically with his tax plan.

(Everybody living in a different arrangement should have gone to vote for Clinton, as that is not exactly news...)

And, IMO, of course, so should have everybody in the "99%-not-the-wealthiest" group, but most of those were more concerned about other things...

Oh yes, the big, beautiful wall...:D Whatever happened to that great idea? It was tremendous.
The people I really don't understand is people who don't vote at all, 42% of eligible voters.

Oh, well, they had a nice free day all to themselves presumable, and could enjoy it.
Four years of misery is a rather small price to pay for that. :bang:

But, I can understand many in "deep red" or "deep blue" states who do not bother to go to the election, as the electoral college makes sure their voices do not count, anyway.
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I'm just going by what I'm reading on other American forums about single parents, the people on there seem to have incomes way above average anyway (mostly financial forums) so it's hard for me to gage what American public opinion is on the result if they voted Republican. I mean, if they voted for Trump, but now they think that they might not be better off economically with his tax plan.

That would be my guess. Again, not defending him but doesn't sound like it's the working poor families who will pay more. Also a while back I put in my salary on one of those "see if it will help/hurt you" calculators and if it's correct, I will pay less under Trump. I make no where near $70,000 or $90,000. So hoping that's right. Those without kids end up paying a larger percentage at tax time, even those of us who are far from well off. So I'm ready for a bit of a break.

And before anyone goes there, I am not against help for poor families. I am tired of supplementing people who are by far better off than me but get huge refunds because of their reproductive choices.
The Guardian is claiming that 28% of non-voters regretted not voting, that is an amazingly high number. It's possible that there are just enough people out there - 2% of the population or so - that now wish they had voted against Trump now that they have seen the result and they would have made the difference.

Similar situation with the Brexit. The margin was only a few %, so did the racist vote swing the vote? Maybe it did. And also, the day after the vote with the pound crashing in value 10-15%, if people had known for certain that was coming, that might have just switched enough voters! Another depressing thought.

You end up in both cases with a result that at the very least leaves divided nations, and at worst leaves people stuck with the opposite of what the majority wanted.
I am perfectly fine with any amount of taxes taken from anyone as long as they are given enough to live comfortably and not worry about survival.

In the same way, I am perfectly fine with as much tax money as possible being given to anyone who worries about survival, or even who does not live comfortably, for any reason, until they fit those criteria.

I think the fact that this is not how it works is a damn shame and a cruelty to all, and any tax plan that gets us closer to this, I support.

At the same time - taking from the moderately wealthy and giving breaks to corporations is, in essence, the opposite of this. Dump's plan is just the same trickle down garbage all over again. I hate to use Clinton's cringeworthy debate buzzword but "Trumped Up Trickle Down" really is unfortunately appropriate.
Sign me up for the receiving end. I'm tired of working. You said any reason, right? That's my reason.
Sign me up for the receiving end. I'm tired of working. You said any reason, right? That's my reason.

That's a legitimate reason and I'd be okay with that.

The idea that everyone in all of society has to play a role and contribute to industry is BS. People have worth because they're sentient, not because they perform labor. Given that people regularly sign up for the military with little incentive, and that people often continue working long after they retire, there is clearly never going to be a shortage of labor.
I'm mortified that I just discovered a like for Yuengling black and tan!
Any recommendations?
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