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On another forum, there is a guy crying about the "violent" anti Trump protest.

I went through the news to get a collection of links to show Trump supporter violence, but I accidentally deleted it.

Can anyone direct me to a site that has been collecting/accumulating stories about violence committed by Trump supporters?
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Eh, that doesn't change my opinion of her. She's been incredibly annoying about anything election-related since forever. The fact that she (and other third party candidates) kept running in this election instead of ducking out and literally begging their voting base to stop the Orange One from taking office is pretty deplorable - pardon my vocabulary.

She got the ball rolling and that's all that matters. Again, I find myself agreeing wholeheartedly with the stance that actions are a million times more important than motivation. Who cares why Stein got the recount ball rolling? What matters is she did, and even if it's a snowball's chance in Hell that the Klansman will be denied his office, it's more of a chance than we had last week.
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I just don't think she should have risked alienating people who are donating when there are two more state recounts to fund. Yes, most of those people will probably still donate, but it's scary to risk it at this point. There's plenty of time afterwards to do all the criticizing she wants.
What do you guys think about Trump's tax plan? For some in middle class, Trump plan would mean tax increase

I already get over $600 deducted from every paycheck (granted some of the deductions are for health insurance, retirement, and Union dues) and if I wasn't pooling with my partner to make ends meat I don't know how I would make it on my own unless I lived VERY frugally (would have to let go of my car and bus/bike walk all the time etc). And this is with a college degree and professional job working sometimes 50 hours a week. Honestly I have looked at apartments for rent in my area and for a decent apartment, not even fancy, just basics, it would take half my monthly net income just to pay rent. Any taxes I get back when I do my tax return will barely pay off my credit card debt (though admittedly not all my credit card debt is for necessities...some was for parking illegally and my car getting towed, or dumb purchases lol). It's discouraging, the thought of getting even less back. :/ I shouldn't complain though as of yet because I still have a very decent life compared to a lot of people. And I don't have children to support. I shudder for families and those struggling as it is just to put food on the table. I also understand that any medical emergency will put me in trouble because I don't have any savings to fall back on, other than a few hundred dollars, and my health insurance deductible is over $2000 (that is the lowest deductible option). I don't even spend extravagantly. I have never traveled overseas or outside the U.S. other than Canada, and have only flown in a plane 4 times in my 44 years of living. We live in a rundown house with a foundation that is caving, in a neighborhood with a bad reputation. I'm not sure if I even qualify as middle class, maybe lower end of middle class?

The plan doesn't seem all that much different than other republican administration tax plans.
"The plan doesn't seem all that much different than other republican administration tax plans."
Same old, same old.... Let the trickling begin!
My real hate of right wing capitalism and 'freedoms' is that it's formulated on a very cookie cutter ideology of what constitutes success and failure. Their definition of 'assets' are others definition of thievery.

Sounds like I'm in very similar financial circumstances. I work at least 50 hours a week, and while I have no further education, I'm in skilled labor and have advanced through good employment. I'm still supporting both my sons, for very different reasons. My current job of only 4 years was started from Obama's initiatives, and has many many government grants. I fear of those going away, even though they're epitomy of 'job creation'.
Saying that everyone needs to follow a set formula just to be able to have lifes necessities is so wrong to me. How is that freedom? They've stolen the very earth we live on to parcel it out as the 'victors' determine. They've taken natural resources and sell them. They enact laws even on what you grow on property you pay for.

I both want to rant, and don't want to rant!:p I'll leave it for now!
I'm thinking I should join our local Food not Bombs group, as much as I hate groups
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What do you guys think about Trump's tax plan? For some in middle class, Trump plan would mean tax increase
I already get over $600 deducted from every paycheck (granted some of the deductions are for health insurance, retirement, and Union dues) and if I wasn't pooling with my partner to make ends meat I don't know how I would make it on my own unless I lived VERY frugally (would have to let go of my car and bus/bike walk all the time etc). And this is with a college degree and professional job working sometimes 50 hours a week.

"The plan doesn't seem all that much different than other republican administration tax plans."
Same old, same old.... Let the trickling begin!
My real hate of right wing capitalism and 'freedoms' is that it's formulated on a very cookie cutter ideology of what constitutes success and failure. Their definition of 'assets' are others definition of thievery.

Sounds like I'm in very similar financial circumstances. I work at least 50 hours a week,

50 hours a week sounds like a lot to me. I think the most I have ever worked for a full-time job is about 37.5 hours a week, and usually only 35 hours. Is the 50 hours your normal working week or is that with overtime?
50 hours a week sounds like a lot to me. I think the most I have ever worked for a full-time job is about 37.5 hours a week, and usually only 35 hours. Is the 50 hours your normal working week or is that with overtime?
40 hours is a normal full time week. Anything less than 40 is considered part time and not (afaik) eligible for company benefits. I choose to work overtime as long as its available- and it's pretty much always available! I live close to my job and don't hate it!
Over 40 hours worked in one week is regular hourly pay plus half, so very much worth it!
I think that article is factually correct, for the most part. However, I have seen quite a bit of idealogical rigidity on the Left as well.

Yes, that's true. However, the order of magnitude is quite different.

For example:
Progressives believe in gay marriage. Evangelicals believe that the earth is 6,000 years old.
Progressives believe in equal pay for equal work, Evangelicals believe that Noah literally fit a pair of every single living creature on a boat using 5,000 B.C. technology.

Progressives can be rigid in their beliefs that defy social norms.
Evangelicals can be rigid in their beliefs that defy reality...
“FOIA superhero” launches campaign to make Donald Trump’s administration transparent


Click here to support Operation 45 by Stephanie Bain
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On another forum, there is a guy crying about the "violent" anti Trump protest.

I went through the news to get a collection of links to show Trump supporter violence, but I accidentally deleted it.

Can anyone direct me to a site that has been collecting/accumulating stories about violence committed by Trump supporters?
Well, I did find this from November 12th... it includes crap from both sides, actually.

Trump Election Hate Crime & Violence List: State by State Round Up
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Part time employees are eligible for benefits if they work 25 hours or more per week...which is why our personnel department monitors part time employees closely. Heaven forbid any of them should get any benefits.
50 hours a week sounds like a lot to me. I think the most I have ever worked for a full-time job is about 37.5 hours a week, and usually only 35 hours. Is the 50 hours your normal working week or is that with overtime?
40 hours per week is normal full time for me too. The 10 hours overtime is because there is just such a ridiculous amount of work demanded of us that it is very difficult to keep up with just 40 hours. I work for a very large medical organization that has consolidated hospitals and clinics across four states. So I do medical coding for doctors at hospitals and clinics in Wisconsin and Minnesota (we also have serve clinics in North Dakota and Idaho and doctors that travel to perform services at hospitals that are not ours, which complicates matters). Some days I don't even take lunches or a morning break, though lately I have been trying hard to at least take one break and walk away from the desk for lunch. There is room for some overtime but they have cracked down on it a lot and we have to get permission and be specific about what we will accomplish. However, due to glitches in a new system bestowed upon us recently, we are all miles behind in our work so they have been ok with letting us work a few hours overtime here and there.

Some people post on forums or Facebook while at work, but where I work we are not allowed to be on the internet unless it is for business purposes, and many sites are blocked from being accessible. Really though I don't even have time to check my phone emails or voicemail let alone go on a forum at work, hence why I post on these forums at such odd times and so little. Someday I want to work from home but I am afraid to at this point with our awful wiring in our current house. And I am so introverted and suffer with social anxiety that if I were to work from home it would be very hard to go out in public and be around people. I would withdraw into oblivion. But I am unhappy with how they have restructured the building I work in so all our cubicles are half the size they were before, in order to fit in 60 more people to work in the building. I also constantly have Managed Care personnel, Billing staff, even doctors coming over and asking me questions. That would go away if I worked from home lol. And I am so sick of hearing my cubicle neighbor go on and on complaining about Clinton and talking about how great Trump is. Sighs.
"The plan doesn't seem all that much different than other republican administration tax plans."
Same old, same old.... Let the trickling begin!
My real hate of right wing capitalism and 'freedoms' is that it's formulated on a very cookie cutter ideology of what constitutes success and failure. Their definition of 'assets' are others definition of thievery.

Sounds like I'm in very similar financial circumstances. I work at least 50 hours a week, and while I have no further education, I'm in skilled labor and have advanced through good employment. I'm still supporting both my sons, for very different reasons. My current job of only 4 years was started from Obama's initiatives, and has many many government grants. I fear of those going away, even though they're epitomy of 'job creation'.
Saying that everyone needs to follow a set formula just to be able to have lifes necessities is so wrong to me. How is that freedom? They've stolen the very earth we live on to parcel it out as the 'victors' determine. They've taken natural resources and sell them. They enact laws even on what you grow on property you pay for.

I both want to rant, and don't want to rant!:p I'll leave it for now!
I'm thinking I should join our local Food not Bombs group, as much as I hate groups
You put into words so beautifully what I wish I could say but I can't formulate thoughts as clearly in my head. Please rant away! :)
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