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Not an impressive legal challenge.

They are claiming the results might be counted too fast and there isn't enough time, that's BS, there is a similar amount of time to what it took in the first place.

And plenty of time before Trump has to be sworn in.

And no-one's asking them to pay for the recount.

Really just looks like they're trying to stop democracy here.
The real way that they are trying to stop democracy is through Trump's lying assertion that millions of undocumented immigrants voted for Hillary, and that if it weren't for those illegal votes, he would have won the popular vote.

And of course, people believe it, because if their fuehrer tweets it, it must be true.
Trump's claims that he could have won the popular vote had he needed to by targeting New York/California, and that he did win the popular vote discounting illegal immigrant votes, clearly lack substance. I think - I hope - that the majority of people expect diehard Trump supports don't really believe this.

I am not sure Trump even believes this himself. The point is to muddy the waters and create the illusion or uncertainty rather than present a credible argument, I am sure some of his new appointees will try the same tactics on climate change.
I'm not expecting it, but it'd be a really nice twist if we found out there was some kind of widespread fraud in this election and The Annoying Orange got disqualified. As of right now there are no smoking guns though and we're getting closer and closer to the electoral vote.
Haha...I just copied that from FB to post it here lol.
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I opened the article and was once again just, struck by how butt f*cking ugly the guy is. He looks like a bullfrog slipped on a mask made of scar tissue and its face fused with it.
Oh, and I've registered like 20 seats.

These are helpful tools if you want to do the same:

Name Generator. The link I put here generates a random English-sounding male name.
Fake Phone Numbers. I'd recommend using ones that regionally make sense but I doubt anyone's verifying these.

For zip codes, just type "[city name] zip code" into Google for the city you used in the number generator and grab one of them.

For the email, just type some variant of the name you selected and then four or five random numbers. Try not to choose something that you think someone else would have registered in truth.

OH and make sure you select two seats. Our fictional bigots are obviously bringing their equally enthusiastic wives.

Hopefully whatever bot is reviewing these, if any, isn't smart enough to catch on to this.
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I don't pretend to know or care what specifically Democrats want. They just happen to be the most realistic means to some minor semblance of progress.
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