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It is my understanding that phone calls work better than emails. What about sending letters via USPS?

The idea is that generally someone absolutely has to answer calls, whereas emails and letters can be ignored. The sheer amount of people asking about one specific thing is more visible when some tired phone answering team has to report back to their boss like "everyone in your entire district seems to be complaining about this ****."

I wish it were just as effective to write, because I am certainly better at that. I can barely order a pizza without losing it. But at some point here I am going to call, and I hope others do the same.
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Snail mail takes too long to get to its destination, it can always get lost en route, whether intentionally or not, and, as Forty-two said, it can easily be ignored. Getting the message directly to the right people as quickly as possible is what's needed here.
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This is happening locally:
The conversation came a couple of weeks after two Horton Watkins High School students told two black students they should go to the back of a school bus. School spokeswoman Susan Downing said students had been chanting, “Trump, Trump, Trump.” At least 150 students walked out of class days after the incident, demanding better treatment for students of color.

Dozens pack town hall meeting to discuss racial tension in Ladue schools
I 100% agree with this opinion piece: http://www.nytimes.com/2016/11/23/o...-left-region&WT.nav=opinion-c-col-left-region
The very idea of sitting across the table from a demagogue who preyed on racial, ethnic and religious hostilities and treating him with decorum and social grace fills me with disgust, to the point of overflowing. Let me tell you here where I stand on your “I hope we can all get along” plea: Never.

You are an aberration and abomination who is willing to do and say anything — no matter whom it aligns you with and whom it hurts — to satisfy your ambitions.

I don’t believe you care much at all about this country or your party or the American people. I believe that the only thing you care about is self-aggrandizement and self-enrichment. Your strongest allegiance is to your own cupidity.
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Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein says she has gathered enough money to fund a recount in Wisconsin.

There is no indication Mr Trump's win was down to cyberhacking, one of the experts said on Wednesday.

One election official in Wisconsin said they are preparing for a possible recount.

By late on Wednesday, she had raised, through a crowdfunding campaign, more than $2.5m (£2m), enough to fund a recount request in Wisconsin. The campaign estimates that up to $7m may be needed to pay for recounts in all three states.

The above in italics is copy and paste quotes from a BBC News article, which for some reason I can't paste the link to the article right now.

If they have already raised $2.5m, and if they could get that recount to go ahead and if it was done quickly enough, and if it turned the result, then it surely wouldn't be hard to get the funding for the other two recounts.

However, I still think it's unlikely that all three recounts could go in Hillary's favour.
Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein says she has gathered enough money to fund a recount in Wisconsin.

There is no indication Mr Trump's win was down to cyberhacking, one of the experts said on Wednesday.

One election official in Wisconsin said they are preparing for a possible recount.

By late on Wednesday, she had raised, through a crowdfunding campaign, more than $2.5m (£2m), enough to fund a recount request in Wisconsin. The campaign estimates that up to $7m may be needed to pay for recounts in all three states.

The above in italics is copy and paste quotes from a BBC News article, which for some reason I can't paste the link to the article right now.

If they have already raised $2.5m, and if they could get that recount to go ahead and if it was done quickly enough, and if it turned the result, then it surely wouldn't be hard to get the funding for the other two recounts.

However, I still think it's unlikely that all three recounts could go in Hillary's favour.
This was a very smart and advantageous political move for Stein. She doesn't like either Clinton or Trump, and I doubt she cares who won. But, calling for a recount has earned her massive brownie points with people who hate Trump, put her name all over the news, and she didn't have to touch a penny of her own money.
I don't know if this is directly related to the Trumpocalypse, but it seems like too much of a coincidence.

Museum Condemns White Nationalist Conference Rhetoric
Basically, someone quoted some Nazi propaganda and tried to say that America belongs to white people, etc, at a conference held not too far from the the Holocaust Memorial Museum.
Jill Stein is very confusing to me. I think that just goes to show how weird and dangerous of a President she'd be herself.

However, she is certainly in the right here and I do give her massive props for coming forward with this. She's one of the few people in a position to do something and sure enough she did. Never thought I'd be donating to Stein, but here we are.

Because of how the electoral college works, even a recount is a long shot, but any attempt to prevent this from becoming our new reality should be made quickly and aggressively.
Also, I have absolutely zero doubt in my mind that Stein felt comfortable condemning Clinton mostly to try and appeal to a lot of her supporters who were very 'Lesser Of Two Evils Is Still Evil' and is just as horrified as the rest of us at Trunko's victory. Nobody, including her, genuinely thought he had a chance in Hell of winning. But here we are.
Jill Stein is very confusing to me. I think that just goes to show how weird and dangerous of a President she'd be herself.

However, she is certainly in the right here and I do give her massive props for coming forward with this. She's one of the few people in a position to do something and sure enough she did. Never thought I'd be donating to Stein, but here we are.

Because of how the electoral college works, even a recount is a long shot, but any attempt to prevent this from becoming our new reality should be made quickly and aggressively.
Don't get me wrong, I want that recount. And I'm glad she's pushing for it, regardless of whatever the reason is behind it.
I don't think anybody who is running on the green platform would "not mind" whether a climate change denier becomes next president...
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Hell yeah, they're back! :starshower:
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