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I can't respond for Calliegirl of course, but I don't think she was saying in that thread that Muslims didn't have a right to be angry about the offensive cartoon, just that she didn't think it was grounds for violent retaliation.

That's a fairly popular stance and one that I don't think conflicts with wanting to protect people from hate crimes, unless I'm reading this or the original posts wrong?

Exactly. They can be angry, but they don't have the right to kill others who say something they deem offensive.

Insulting all Muslims by saying that they worship a paedophile and then trying to defend Muslims from religious intolerance. You don't see hypocrisy there?:confused:

I can dislike, and show my dislike, for what a God, Prophet, deity, etc does or stands for, and still not want others to be assaulted or killed simply because they are followers of that religion.

No, I don't think I'm a hypocrite for that.
I can dislike, and show my dislike, for what a God, Prophet, deity, etc does or stands for, and still not want others to be assaulted or killed simply because they are followers of that religion.

No, I don't think I'm a hypocrite for that.

Okay, you missed (or ignored) my point, but I'm glad to see that I didn't misunderstand your Islamophobic views. I would love you to tell the Muslims that you "help" that you think that they all worship a paedophile. I should just learn to trust my first instinct on people instead of giving them a second chance. When People Show You Who They Are, Believe Them.
Okay, you missed (or ignored) my point, but I'm glad to see that I didn't misunderstand your Islamophobic views. I would love you to tell the Muslims that you "help" that you think that they all worship a paedophile. I should just learn to trust my first instinct on people instead of giving them a second chance. When People Show You Who They Are, Believe Them.

I guess I missed your point. :???:

As far as I know, Mohammad was a pedophile. He married a six year old girl and had sex with her when she was nine. Just because people worship him, it doesn't change that fact, nor does it mean I can't express disgust about it. It also doesn't mean I think Muslims should be assaulted or killed for simply being Muslim.

Supposedly the Bible says gays should be killed, and I think that's horrible. There are Christians who would be offended that I said that and disagreed with the bible, but it's a terrible thing for it to say and I have a right to say so. I personally know someone who is unhappy that I think the Bible is wrong for saying that, and that I agree with same sex marriage (she's against it), but she knows we all have the right to our opinions. If someone was attacking her because she's Christian, of course I would help her, and I don't think I would be a hypocrite for doing so.

I don't think I should have to censor myself because my beliefs/ethics/morals offend someone else, just like I don't expect others to do so. And if my calling out a pedophile makes me Islamophobic in your eyes, I won't argue with you, it's your right to feel that way.

If this makes me a bad person, so be it.
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As far as I know and supposedly? Apparently, you don't really know.
As far as I know and supposedly? Apparently, you don't really know.
I used supposedly because some people are arguing over the translation, but most are going by the version that claims gays should be put to death.

And from everything I've read, on multiple sites, they all agree that Muhammad married a six year old, and consummated the marriage when she was nine.

If you have differing information, please share.
Ah, I totally missed that part about worshipping a pedophile. That's, um, a pretty big thing to miss. My bad.

Calliegirl, you're taking a lot of things very out of context. Followers of a religion don't necessary condone everything that has been said or done in the name of that religion or by its other followers. The Ancient Greeks were a bunch of pedophiles, but if someone buys into philosophy written by Aristotle or Homer's epics, we don't call them out as worshiping people who shook hands with pederasty supporters. Mostly this is due to t fact that the Greeks are usually given a pass because they're icons from Western culture and not the East.

And what about the founding fathers of the United States? These were people who wrote eloquently and in great detail about some really groundbreaking philosophical, social, and governmental practices, many of which endure to this day due to their insight. But they were also a bunch of cruel, snide, evil people who owned hundreds of other human beings and forced them into labor and sex (Jefferson was involved with Sally Hemings when she was fourteen at the oldest), believed women were inferior to men, and were so supremely elitist that they ignored the implications of their own writings and structured the entire system of the US to continuing some truly evil ****.

Basically, the past is full of a lot of garbage people with a lot of garbage beliefs and practices. I won't defend any of those practices and beliefs. But you have to look at the good with the bad and get the whole picture. You can't take one and ignore the other. The vast majority of people who believe Muhammad had some great ideas wouldn't approve of a relationship between an adult and a child. Accusing Muslims of being a group of people who "worship a pedophile" implies that they totally would.

I don't doubt that you mean well, but religion is a really complex topic that I've started to soften on embarrassingly recently, and I think it's important that whole religions aren't demonized for the actions of a few and especially the actions of a few in the distant past when standards of living were massively different.
It does like look they have some cartoons done in poor taste, but also some clever ones I liked. They kind of remind me of PETA, some good, some bad.
I don't think we should censor others just because we don't like what they say. I am beyond tired of being made fun of for being a vegan and caring about animals. Friends and family insult us, strangers make fun of us, people in the food industry insult us, even Jimmy Kimmel as made fun of us on TV, but I don't think there should be a law against them being able to do it. I'm not going to go out and murder a bunch of people because of it either. A cartoon making fun of a pedophile, no matter how many people may worship him, is also not a reason to murder people.

Where in this post did I blame an entire group of people for the actions of a pedophile? Where did I accuse them of being a group of people worshiping a pedophile?

I think you guys are reading way too much into this post that isn't there. It was a post defending the magazine's right to satirize Muhammad, even though people worship him, without being killed.
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As far as I know, Mohammad was a pedophile. He married a six year old girl and had sex with her when she was nine.

Well, I bet you can find lots of important Christian figures who did the same thing at that time.... not that that would make it much better.
The woman has apologized and taken the offensive comments down but people got screen shots, so sorry lady there is proof.

Well, to be precise, she is likely sorry for getting caught and has apologized for "this getting out of hand"...
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It's interesting that one of the big US political parties will allow someone who's accused of anti-semitism to get this high up in the system. Usually, that label has been a political mark of death.
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Before the result I saw an interview with the man who wrote Listen, Liberal. It sounded like he made some interesting points. It sounds similar to what people say has happened to the UK Labour Party.

Listen, Liberal: Or, What Ever Happened to the Party of the People by Thomas Frank — Reviews, Discussion, Bookclubs, Lists
With his trademark sardonic wit and lacerating logic, Frank's Listen, Liberal lays bare the essence of the Democratic Party's philosophy and how it has changed over the years. A form of corporate and cultural elitism has largely eclipsed the party's old working-class commitment, he finds. For certain favored groups, this has meant prosperity. But for the nation as a whole, it is a one-way ticket into the abyss of inequality.
Ok, so don't read it.

I have read it. Which is why I am questioning its inclusion into the list :)

But yes, I get it, if people do not want to read "The Diary of Anne Frank" or "One day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich", or even "1984", this might be the next best thing, right? ;)
I have read it. Which is why I am questioning its inclusion into the list :)

But yes, I get it, if people do not want to read "The Diary of Anne Frank" or "One day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich", or even "1984", this might be the next best thing, right? ;)

I agree with your assessment of the book, but training wheels are sometimes necessary, as it can lead to bigger and better things. And if this book can open someone's eyes, that's a good thing.
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