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Haymarket Books' stop Trump reading list.

Our slogan at Haymarket Books is "Books for Changing the World." But books alone can't change the world; ideas become a material force only through the people who organize and fight for change.

In a sense our entire catalog is made up of "books to stop Trump and the grotesque system that spawned him;" we publish books of radical politics, theory, and history intended to arm those looking to understand the world in order to change it.

In that spirit, we've put together this short list for all of you who are looking for resources to understand Trump's election, how we got to this point, and how we can organize to fight for a better world:

Hope in the Dark is currently a free eBook.
Well, I bet you can find lots of important Christian figures who did the same thing at that time.... not that that would make it much better.

I absolutely agree. Muhammad was only brought up because of the posts below.

It does like look they have some cartoons done in poor taste, but also some clever ones I liked. They kind of remind me of PETA, some good, some bad.
I don't think we should censor others just because we don't like what they say. I am beyond tired of being made fun of for being a vegan and caring about animals. Friends and family insult us, strangers make fun of us, people in the food industry insult us, even Jimmy Kimmel as made fun of us on TV, but I don't think there should be a law against them being able to do it. I'm not going to go out and murder a bunch of people because of it either. A cartoon making fun of a pedophile, no matter how many people may worship him, is also not a reason to murder people.

This is the original post defending Charlie Hebdo's right to satirize Muhammad as a pedophile. MF interpreted that as I was saying that Muslims are a bunch of pedophile worshipers, which it didn't say nor insinuate. It just meant that certain people aren't exempt because of who they are, or who worships them.

I wasn't quite sure what she was saying/asking since I had never called them a bunch of pedophile worshipers so I tried to answer what I thought she was asking but got it wrong.

Anyway, that's why he was specifically mentioned, because of the cartoon.

Okay, I am going to have to say something on here, I was trying not to as I know emotions are running high, but it has been buzzing around my head.

Calliegirl - you made a comment about Muslims on the thread about offensive content about the Prophet and you said that a cartoon making fun of a paedophile, no matter how many people worship him, is also not a reason to murder people. I agree obviously about the murdering people part, but do you realise how offensive that type of statement is to Muslims in general? I shared what you said with a couple of Muslim people I know when you said it at the time. I'm glad if you have had a complete turnaround in your views since then, but it seems quite bizarre to me that you were so intolerant and suddenly are the person who wants to defend Muslims.

If I am completely misunderstanding what you said then just tell me. Maybe I am just taking it the wrong way.Publishing offensive content about the Prophet | Page 5 | Vegetarian and Vegan Forums @ Veggie Views

Insulting all Muslims by saying that they worship a paedophile and then trying to defend Muslims from religious intolerance. You don't see hypocrisy there?:confused:

Okay, you missed (or ignored) my point, but I'm glad to see that I didn't misunderstand your Islamophobic views. I would love you to tell the Muslims that you "help" that you think that they all worship a paedophile. I should just learn to trust my first instinct on people instead of giving them a second chance. When People Show You Who They Are, Believe Them.
Donald Trump 'appoints Islamophobic conspiracy theorist to transition team' | The Independent

I absolutely agree. Muhammad was only brought up because of the posts below.

This is the original post defending Charlie Hebdo's right to satirize Muhammad as a pedophile. MF interpreted that as I was saying that Muslims are a bunch of pedophile worshipers, which it didn't say nor insinuate. It just meant that certain people aren't exempt because of who they are, or who worships them.

I wasn't quite sure what she was saying/asking since I had never called them a bunch of pedophile worshipers so I tried to answer what I thought she was asking but got it wrong.

Anyway, that's why he was specifically mentioned, because of the cartoon.

This is the last post I'm making on the subject as people are probably getting bored. Respond if you like obviously, but I won't be reading your posts on VV again.

I repeated what you wrote almost word for word and you are just quoting yourself saying what I said you did.:confused: I'm telling you that speaking about a marginalized people in this way is Islamophobic and offensive. Saying that the prophet is a paedophile and that Muslims worship a paedophile is offensive.

I'm not just singling you out as I have heard and read lots of other awful comments about Muslims over the last few weeks/
/months/years. It's just that your newfound compassion for Muslims was a little startling to me, and also massively hypocritical IMO.

I am telling you that I found what you wrote offensive and that the Muslim people I shared it with found it very offensive. If you don't want to believe me, that's fine. I really have no reason to fabricate stories so I have no idea why you aren't just accepting what I'm saying.
Less awesome as it comes with the message that Shumer was selected as Democratic leader...
I agree with your assessment of the book, but training wheels are sometimes necessary, as it can lead to bigger and better things. And if this book can open someone's eyes, that's a good thing.
Should have read The Manchurian Candidate
Donald Trump 'appoints Islamophobic conspiracy theorist to transition team' | The Independent

This is the last post I'm making on the subject as people are probably getting bored. Respond if you like obviously, but I won't be reading your posts on VV again.

I repeated what you wrote almost word for word and you are just quoting yourself saying what I said you did.:confused: I'm telling you that speaking about a marginalized people in this way is Islamophobic and offensive. Saying that the prophet is a paedophile and that Muslims worship a paedophile is offensive.

I'm not just singling you out as I have heard and read lots of other awful comments about Muslims over the last few weeks/
/months/years. It's just that your newfound compassion for Muslims was a little startling to me, and also massively hypocritical IMO.

I am telling you that I found what you wrote offensive and that the Muslim people I shared it with found it very offensive. If you don't want to believe me, that's fine. I really have no reason to fabricate stories so I have no idea why you aren't just accepting what I'm saying.

If you thought my post could be interpreted as I was implying something derogatory about Muslims (which wasn't my intent), why didn't you say something 2 years ago when I first posted it? You could have said, your post is coming across as you're saying Muslims worship a pedophile, if that isn't what you meant, you might want to reword it. Instead of accusing me now of things that aren't true.

I'm sorry if it came across that way as it wasn't what I was trying to say. But, thanks for the name calling and insinuations almost 2 years after the fact.

This is the last I'll be saying on the subject as well.
You can also get some free eBooks from AK Press.

From the email:
Dear Friends,

We're all still trying to figure out a way forward in the looming Age of Trump. The path isn't entirely clear to us, but we know it's gonna mean a fight—a long and difficult fight. One thing we thought we could do off the bat though was make a few useful ebooks we've published available for free. We hope you'll read them, share them, and use them as food for thought and action.
"The Hunger Games" most certainly would not have been my pick for "must read books" under any circumstances...
It's not great literature, but it and its sequels make a lot of very pertinent points about our society.

Unfortunately, most of those points seem to have been lost on a majority of the readers.
It's not great literature, but it and its sequels make a lot of very pertinent points about our society.

Unfortunately, most of those points seem to have been lost on a majority of the readers.

I agree with all of your points except that it's not good literature. I think it stands up just as well as a lot of similar media which gets a lot more praise.

The second book is the best IMO and the third is the weakest, mostly because Collins kind of loses her message.
I agree with all of your points except that it's not good literature. I think it stands up just as well as a lot of similar media which gets a lot more praise.

The second book is the best IMO and the third is the weakest, mostly because Collins kind of loses her message.
Oh, I think it's good literature, just not great. But then, I don't even necessarily agree with all of the choices for various lists of "greatest" books of all time.

I had actually started to re-read the books just prior to the election, because it struck me that they addressed so many of the themes prevalent during this election cycle.
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I couldn't agree more with this article in theory, but at the same time, I have to wonder if denouncing a not insignificant chunk of your potential voter base as fascists might be a bad move politically speaking.
I agree.

What I personally am saying is that I'm shocked that people voted for him, given ... (and here I list some of the things that have come out of his mouth).

I do think we need to be mindful to not normalize him.
As we spend the next four years resisting Trump, it's important that we don't also empower the Democratic Party.
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