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It looks like pretty much everyone Trump is picking for his administration is a threat to democracy. He never should have won. It's as simple as that.
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I don't think anyone here lives in Washington state, but there's a Republican state senator there trying to pass a new bill that would violate residents' first amendment rights.

He's Doug Ericksen (R-Ferndale) and this is what he's proposing:

Proposed bill turns protesting into a felony

This could be so widely interpreted as to be blatantly unconstitutional. You could have a group of people peacefully protesting on a street corner next to a hot dog vendor, and they'd be charged with a felony for "obstructing commerce", even if the hot dog vendor wasn't selling at the time of the protest, and even supported the protest. All you need is that bill enshrined into law and a judge unsympathetic to the protestors.

Slowly and surely we're turning into Nazi Germany.

If you know anyone in Washington state, please tell them about this bill and beg them to act against it by calling Ericksen and their own state senator if it's someone other than Ericksen.
Like, what realistically is going to happen that makes shunning the Democratic Party a viable option?
Realistically, we'll be voting for the lesser evil in four years. One of the difficulties in having a viable candidate who doesn't embrace capitalism and white supremacy is that radical leftists, the ones who want to abolish all that, don't really believe in leaders and whatnot. It's more about autonomy, workers controlling the means of production, etc.
"The proposed bill would allow police to charge protesters who “block transportation and commerce, cause property damage, threaten jobs and put public safety at risk” with a class C felony."

Sounds fair to me. I've been on many, many protests in the past. We never did stupid crap though, like blocking roads and interstates or any other dangerous activity.
“block transportation and commerce, cause property damage, threaten jobs and put public safety at risk”
That can be as easily manipulated as so many unarmed men killed by police

Rally in Cleveland now!

Rumps picks of staff looks like an episode of Gotham
"The proposed bill would allow police to charge protesters who “block transportation and commerce, cause property damage, threaten jobs and put public safety at risk” with a class C felony."
If this bill becomes law, it will criminalize civil disobedience.



Realistically, we'll be voting for the lesser evil in four years. One of the difficulties in having a viable candidate who doesn't embrace capitalism and white supremacy is that radical leftists, the ones who want to abolish all that, don't really believe in leaders and whatnot. It's more about autonomy, workers controlling the means of production, etc.

Yes, and this is all very nice in theory. I'm not disagreeing with that, and I never will.

But the only way to that society is through revolution. It's not through playing a bit part in the great sham of voting. Voting for a third party candidate isn't cheating the system, it's just playing into the system in the most irresponsible possible way. The only way to cheat the system is to dismantle it, and I don't see anyone doing that, mostly because overthrowing a military power like the US is practically impossible without a massive organized effort and outside help. Most people, even if they're not happy with everything in the US, are at least basically comfortable, and so they're content to ignore the plights of everyone less fortunate than them to preserve their own comfort. So that massive organized effort is not going to exist anytime soon.

Unless you are willing and able to arm yourself and rise up against corruption, you're stuck trying to do the best you can with the system you have. And voting for a third party candidate does nothing but express a message of dissatisfaction to people who don't care.

"The proposed bill would allow police to charge protesters who “block transportation and commerce, cause property damage, threaten jobs and put public safety at risk” with a class C felony."

Sounds fair to me. I've been on many, many protests in the past. We never did stupid crap though, like blocking roads and interstates or any other dangerous activity.

So your activism didn't make that big of an impact, and you want to punish those whose activism did? That... kind of undermines the purpose of activism, doesn't it?

The point is to try and change things with the power you do have. Blocking roads and causing chaos might not even be enough - we would need absolute insurrection to actually change anything - but it's a lot closer to the revolution we need than just yelling about issues is. It at the very least sends a very aggressive message to those in power and makes them a little nervous, which is better than nothing.

And like Spang said, laws like this will almost certainly be used as an excuse to crack down on nonviolent protests, so it's more than just preventing dangerous behavior.

I mean, using art and interest in art to speak out against corruption and bigotry is incredibly powerful, and I love Hamilton to death (I went to see it and I've heard the soundtrack so many times I have the whole thing memorized, it's kind of sad).

But let's not allow this media circus to overshadow the fact that the Cheeto in Chief basically just admitted to fraud by settling one of many hideous lawsuits against him. This is so completely unprecedented and I don't want it to get swept away like so many of Dump's other scandals have.
But let's not allow this media circus to overshadow the fact that the Cheeto in Chief basically just admitted to fraud by settling one of many hideous lawsuits against him. This is so completely unprecedented and I don't want it to get swept away like so many of Dump's other scandals have.

I don't think anything will change his supporters' view of him.
I don't care what you are protesting. STAY OUT OF THE DAMN STREETS. Again, I went on all kinds of protests years back but we engaged our brains and didn't endanger anyone.

I don't care what you are protesting. STAY OUT OF THE DAMN STREETS. Again, I went on all kinds of protests years back but we engaged our brains and didn't endanger anyone.
That's not so easy. Even if you limit protests to public parks, if the protest is of any size, traffic is going to be affected.

Also, if you limit a protest to a public park, by definition you're going to be severely limiting its effectiveness - out of sight, out of mind.

Traffic gets snarled up for all kinds of reasons - professional sports games, motorcades, Mardi Gras and other celebrations and parades. Targeting political speech while managing to live with all of the other things that mess up traffic seems problematic to me.
I don't think anything will change his supporters' view of him.

Yeah, unfortunately. However, politicians are entirely self-interested, and if they are convinced thoroughly enough that aligning themselves with him is career suicide down the road, they can be dissuaded by enough negative press.

It's all fun and games until he gets impeached and all the Republicans scurry off the sinking boat, is what I'm saying.

I don't care what you are protesting. STAY OUT OF THE DAMN STREETS. Again, I went on all kinds of protests years back but we engaged our brains and didn't endanger anyone.

That's heartbreaking. However, most protestors will and have in the past made exceptions for medical vehicles and the like - a fact which the police were very eager to exploit, especially in Ferguson in 2014.
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