The Weather.

The river is three feet away from the major flood mark. It's been climbing about half a foot an hour. I reckon I have about four hours before I get evacuated and about 10 hours before my house is underwater. If that happens, I doubt FEMA will ever let me move back into it since this would be the second time in 6 years it got flooded. I'm doing a silent freak out here. I'm scared I'm going to be homeless with three animals and a mortgage.

(((hugs))) That's awful. Please be safe and try and update us as soon as you can!
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Waiting for daybreak to assess the damage. Many of the highways and roads are closed due to downed trees/power lines and/or flooding. Thankfully we kept power the whole time...just occasional flickering. It's remarkably quiet out there now.
The river is three feet away from the major flood mark. It's been climbing about half a foot an hour. I reckon I have about four hours before I get evacuated and about 10 hours before my house is underwater. If that happens, I doubt FEMA will ever let me move back into it since this would be the second time in 6 years it got flooded. I'm doing a silent freak out here. I'm scared I'm going to be homeless with three animals and a mortgage.

How horrible. :( Please stay safe!! :hug:
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I feel so bad for the areas that were hit really hard. New Jersey is badly flooded...some homes were lifted off their foundations. There was a fire in Queens that they think started with downed wires...80 homes destroyed. It's one thing to be inconvenienced with no power/water/food spoilage...and I'm not minimizing the impact of those things, particularly to people with low incomes where every penny counts. But it really is true that no matter what your hardship, you can always find someone who is worse off than you. And I got away Scot-free. :(
No hurricane-related weather here in Kansas, though some of the cloud cover pushed inland pretty far. (We usually get rain here when hurricanes make landfall in TX/La.) All of our weather coverage is Sandy, Sandy, Sandy though.

It's been freezing or near freezing at night, getting into mid-50s (F) during the day.
Thanks KLS :wave: we staked it down with nylon zip ties and put 33 pound pags of oil absorbent material in plastic bags on top of the aluminum legs, we put the smaller tarp on the ground over our dogs grave and bungeed a larger tarp over the top of the aluminum leg pieces in the hopes the plastic roof pieces that snap in wouldn't blow off.
Glad to hear our friends weathered the storm in one piece. Hope we'll hear from Nightshade soon.:(

:yes: I'm worried about her. :(

I feel so bad for the areas that were hit really hard. New Jersey is badly flooded...some homes were lifted off their foundations. There was a fire in Queens that they think started with downed wires...80 homes destroyed. It's one thing to be inconvenienced with no power/water/food spoilage...and I'm not minimizing the impact of those things, particularly to people with low incomes where every penny counts. But it really is true that no matter what your hardship, you can always find someone who is worse off than you. And I got away Scot-free. :(

It's really heart breaking to hear all the stories of those hit hard by this storm. :(
It's raining cats and dogs overhere.

If I go to one more news site and see some poor person who has lost everything plastered on the front page for page views, I may develop a twitch. Seriously, Media, **** you
Just got back from central PA where I was helping my mom get through the storm. We weathered it quite well... no power outages, no flooding, and the winds thankfully were not as bad as predicted. My mom is 83 and has Alzheimer's so I couldn't take the chance that she might be alone without power and unable to call for help, but in the end everything worked out well. My thoughts go out to anyone who wasn't as fortunate as us!