The Weather.

Chilly and cloudy. The sun was out earlier, but the clouds have rolled in. There is still a lot of ice on side roads and in parking lots.
They were freaking out about so much snow all day today.Nope :rolleyes:, in fact it was a balmy 34F leaving work :cool:
We have had the most overcast February in recent memory. The skies have been grey nearly the whole month, and raining most of them. This week, the forecast calls for two dry but cloudy days and five days of rain. :(
We have had the most overcast February in recent memory. The skies have been grey nearly the whole month, and raining most of them. This week, the forecast calls for two dry but cloudy days and five days of rain. :(
Same here. Although I’m sure we’re sad for different reasons. You’re probably used to a warmer sunnier February. I should have had a colder, snowier one, lol.
It's weirdly mild here today. I woke up early and had to open the bedroom window. Then all I could hear was the traffic and the foxes outside.:rolleyes:

I thought the weather said we were meant to have a polar vortex or something, not a heatwave.
It's crazy weather today in that it's really warm for this time of year. I didn't have to wear a coat, only a heavier hoodie instead. More of the same for tomorrow. I like the nice break, but we just had snow on Saturday, lol.
It's crazy weather today in that it's really warm for this time of year. I didn't have to wear a coat, only a heavier hoodie instead. More of the same for tomorrow. I like the nice break, but we just had snow on Saturday, lol.
Seriously, lol. And I only just made my self imposed ban lift! It barely lasted 24 hours. All 7 inches is already gone.

I liked yesterday’s weather because it was sunny. The next few days can bite me. Gross gross gross.

My concern is that Winter will come back with a vengeance mid March when I will finally be looking forward to Spring. I also remember getting frost just when the trees/flowers were starting to bloom. It wreaks havoc.

I’m wondering what’s going to happen to my trees that never lost their leaves. It’s been bizarre looking at them all snow covered and still have dried brown leaves on them from the Fall. It’s so messed up. That’s part of why I’m such a proponent of letting the seasons run their course.

I have to say, if my coworker asks me one more time if I’m done yet with wanting more Winter, I may have to bop her one.
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It is meant to get very chilly here in the next week. I read that London and the south east are likely to feel very cold as polar continental air brings freezing weather from Siberia!:dismay:
Not too shabby for closing out February. Looking forward to walking the next three days. Will feel good to get back into it.
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