The Weather.

We've had a raw, gloomy day. We had some showers, but nothing too extensive. The TV weather folks are hyping a storm that probably will bring only rain on Sunday. I don't need to know that Maine will get snow. Just let us know when we will get it, lol.
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It rains. And rains. And rains some more. It's about +7 C outside now, but it's a typical November now.
Blin!:oops: It was pretty hot on Tuesday, and a little colder yesterday, so i put on my summer pants this morning, because my winter pants had got absolutely demolished (we're going to buy new ones tomorrow). And it suddenly has got cold! I mean, freezy. Luckily, i had my green winter coat with me. It's 32°F now, and it's going to be 23°F at night and the whole day tomorrow! I had a walk though, as usual.
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So next Thursday, Thanksgiving Day, it’s predicted to be 49 degrees and rainy in Agoura Hills, with a low of 35 degrees overnight. For a born ‘n bred Angeleno like myself, that is farking COLD. 🥶
I thought I wasn’t going to be interested much in snow this season, but it’s hard not to be excited about this...
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The weather folks in my are are still on the fence about whether we will get snow. They are leaning toward rain.
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The weather folks in my are are still on the fence about whether we will get snow. They are leaning toward rain.
Yeah, same for my daughter. We’re still three days out. It has rarely pans out where we get anywhere near what they predict. I guarantee it will change several times before then. I usually check the weather app morning and night and it goes from 12 inches to 2 inches to maybe 8 inches to, oh went out to sea in the final hour, lol.
It’s 44 degrees in Agoura Hills, y’all. 🥶 Only a few degrees warmer than Manhattan, NY. (40) Or Manhattan, Kansas. (41) And a few degrees cooler than Manhattan Beach, California. (49)
Still no snow, as it's pretty warm, and today i'm walking around in my summer jumper again! They promise us some snow only on Dec.12th!