The Weather.

Lol...I still thought it would have been something like 10-12 hours difference. No idea where I would have gotten that idea from. I just made it up in my head, I suppose, lol.
It must be weird piloting a jet from London to the US as the Sun is setting, if they keep up with the Earth's rotation, then it wouldn't set....I'm not sure.
Lol...I still thought it would have been something like 10-12 hours difference. No idea where I would have gotten that idea from. I just made it up in my head, I suppose, lol.

Oh really! That's like NZ or Aus is to is. No clue about time differences really.

I can hear the storm. Noisy noisy.
Do they usually live outside all the time? Are they inside an enclosure like a shed?

Yes you can. I can't tell you how many times businesses, schools, transportation systems, etc have all completely shut down due to the weather here. Even if they don't officially shut down it is better to be safe than sorry like KLS mentioned.

Ironic that this storm is occurring right around the anniversary of Super Storm Sandy here in the US.

They are usually outside in a shed. Wasn't sure the shutter I built for the window would hold or would be banging all night. Also fireworks have started going off this weekend. And they're still quite timid so I thought living inside would help them get used to people.
They now have the cupboard under the stairs which is about 1m x 2.5m unsupervised and the run of the dining area when I'm there.

This is their new home :-)
And then the bit you can't see which I'm stood in lol xxx
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My thoughts go out to all the animals ; wild and farm ones as nobody is going to protect and care for them. Not only will they be terrified and terribly cold but there will be many deaths.

I still remember images of all the poor sheep that get lost during the last floods.

Wood Green Animal Shelter put out a Facebook post earlier explaining how to prepare most animals for the weather. From bringing in rabbits and guinea pigs, to making sure field animals have plenty of shelter to hide, even making sure garden gates haven't blown open or fences down before letting your dog out to the toilet! Xxx
I've just seen the news and apparently the winds are around 70 - 80 mph. 92 mph was recoreded on the Isle of Wight. At midday the storm will have left the UK and be heading towards ne Europe.
The 14 yr old boy that was swept out to sea has not been found.
Heathrow has now cancelled over 60 flights.
Hopefully everyone (including animals) are doing well.
Take care if you're planning to commute to work.

The storm and heavy rains are just in the area where my family live. I hope they are ok.
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Hurricane-Force Storm Hits Southern Britain With Winds Of 99mph (PICTURES)

People are being really sarcastic on Twitter as they thought it was overhyped. I think it's better for people to be prepared and some people have lost power in their homes so hopefully they had stocked up on batteries and torches beforehand. Lucky it isn't really cold or losing heating would be horrible. It won't be fun if you have to travel today, it's half term for some children fortunately.

It wasn't that bad where I live, I woke up at 4 to watch it and it was just a lot of rain and the wind was howling a bit but my dogs slept through it. I looked on Streetlife and only a few trees have gone down in my area. I did hear lots of crashing last night and it was rubbish bins that people hadn't secured.:rolleyes:
Glad you are ok, Moll. The news channel I watch in the morning is reporting on the storm and they mentioned the 14 year old who was swept out to sea. :(