• The site will be moving to a new hosting company, so there will be some downtime and disruption over the next few days. See this post for more.

The Weather.

It has been like summer the last few days but with low humidity. Temps have been in the upper 80's and they say it will be even hotter tomorrow!
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It has been an amazing week for beautiful weather here! It has been dry, sunny, and breezy, with temperatures in the 70's. That is going to change soon though with 90's coming for the weekend.
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It should be 58 when I wake up tomorrow morning! 😊
It is supposed to be sunny and warm today. It is still wet outside from the rain last night.
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It’s kind of funny how people are posting/complaining about the wind on local and gardening fb pages. It really has been annoying. I thought yesterday morning’s walk was going to be so nice but the wind ruined it.
It is going to be another nice day today with highs in the upper 70's and a slight chance of showers. Major heat is coming though! It will be in the 90's from Saturday and all next week!
It’s kind of funny how people are posting/complaining about the wind on local and gardening fb pages. It really has been annoying. I thought yesterday morning’s walk was going to be so nice but the wind ruined it.
I feel like it's been unusually windy of late! I agree that it is super annoying, especially if it's chilly. :D
Today is going to be like July. I really miss spring. We haven't had a real spring in a few years. It seems to go from 40 to 80 with nothing in between. And what's with the humidity already? I do want to walk later, but it's going to be over 80 degrees today, so I will wait until late afternoon.
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I thought it was just me feeling that it got too hot too soon. I was freezing at 50 degrees then tried to walk one afternoon and I think it was 78. I was too hot! 😥😰
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I put this weather app on my phone that is much more accurate than the other weather reports I had been looking at. Apparently there might be thunderstorm later.
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It's 90 here. It might storm again later. We got some big storms yesterday with hail and high winds. Trees and power lines came down in some places!
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It was the hottest day since I've been here yesterday. Today is it grey and it has been raining.
Beautiful day today. Last night's downpours finally cooled things off a bit. I think it's only in the 70s today. Much better. I wasn't ready for the 90+ nonsense we had over the weekend. It was brutal!
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