Urban Gardener
Forum Legend
I got a *facepalm* today, when our local NTV news said, that Trump offered Russia help in neutralization of consequences of that diesel fuel disaster in Norilsk. I wonder, doesn't he have some "homework" to do before he gives away resources like money and various specialists? Doesn't he want to take care of his country first? Thank god, Putin refused, having said that our resources are enough for neutralization of the whole diesel fuel pollution. ...Sometimes it feels like Trump cares only about himself and future elections. It's obvious that he's trying to make a good impression on other countries' leaders, but he has forgot that the first people he needs to make a good impression on, are his citizens.
In the US, there is a lot of talk about Trump being directly influenced by Putin, to the extent that Putin is basically dictating what's going on in our federal government to an extent.
I'm skeptical. I think some people gravitate towards conspiracy theories because they, themselves, seek attention. They want to look edgy.
But there is SOMETHING weird going on with him. He definitely acts as though he's not prioritizing the best interest of the US, or even his own re-election. He acts as if there is some other interest at play. Personally, I remain open-minded about what the explanation is.