Trying but need assistance.

Dan Stull

Dec 29, 2017
Reaction score
  1. Vegan newbie
So I on a whim just decided it was time. To consider myself an intelligent person the detriment to the environment enough was concern enough for me to give this a go.

However, I am overwhelmed with ideas. I am just looking for some reputable helpful person's that could assist me.

Any vegan I talk to basically says they snack on stuff here or there no extravagant meals. Well, I need meals. I need a plan in place. As is, there have been days where there is no way I am eating enough simply, because I hadn't put together a strategy to begin with.

Only thing I don't do is mushrooms. Anything with beans sweet potatoes I'm down. I am looking for some easy meals prep time doesn't matter. I just want to have what I need around the house for this to be successful.

Little background info, I bike 2-4 hours a day almost every day. I also lift. I'm 6'0 238 lb male age 32.
I'm not concerned about anything other than sufficient calories to continue doing what I do. I wouldn't mind snacking here and there, but that would require me to snack all day long. I'd much rather have a few meals to start with. Cheap, basic stuff, I'm just overwhelmed with too many ideas.
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My best suggestion is to start by piling a plate with lots of different veggies, cooked however you like them. These will give you most of the nutrients that you need, and then you add beans, nuts and seeds cooked in whatever form and quantity you like - try a nut roast, spicy bean burgers or a bean chilli if you want something that looks like what you're used to eating? With large enough portions you won't need to do much, if any, snacking - I'm very much a 3 meals person most of the time. You might find it helpful in transition to use some of the ready made options, like Linda McCartney, if you want something familiar.

Can't go wrong with oats or porridge for a filling breakfast, with some fruit, nuts and seeds if you need more energy.

And if you don't already, make sure you take a b12 supplement!

Good luck and congratulations
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Ditto to what Nicky said!
One of my Favorited meals is a simple bowl (very large) of steamed vegetables, get out your cutting board and a sharp knife and hit the crisper in the frig! Carrots, string beans, cabbage, spinach, kale, bok choi, mushrooms (but you don't like them) cauliflower, broccoli, asparagus, corn anything you can think of ..get a steaming basket and steam...a bit of soya sauce or tamari to taste and eat it all till filled. Leftovers? just place in the frig for snacking on later!
Get creative..get a few good Vegan cookbooks ( l just received a great one for Christmas..The Vegan Bible) Before long you will be an expert and wonder how you ever thrived on just meat and potatoes!
Sounds good to me! I've been eating massive quantities of sweet potatoes I love them, but I think I may soon exhaust every use possible of sweet potatoes. Sounds simple enough.

I've been doing oatmeal with fruit for breakfast so delicious to me.
It's basically when it comes to dinner time. I end up making sweet potatoes puree'ing them and tossing some chopped veggies into that a couple breadcrumbs and lightly glaze with olive oil make little patties out of them.

I'll just grab every type of veggie I dig and start throwing anything I like together and see how that works. Ty all.
I make a lot of pasta usually with a creamy sauce that I make myself. I'll also make spagghetti usually with chickpea balls. I started going vegan getting some cookbooks from the library and eventually buying the ones I really liked. I also veganized a lot of recipes that I used to make with animal products. Peta's website has a lot of good recipes. Youtube is also very helpful.
Sounds good to me! I've been eating massive quantities of sweet potatoes I love them, but I think I may soon exhaust every use possible of sweet potatoes. Sounds simple enough.

I've been doing oatmeal with fruit for breakfast so delicious to me.
It's basically when it comes to dinner time. I end up making sweet potatoes puree'ing them and tossing some chopped veggies into that a couple breadcrumbs and lightly glaze with olive oil make little patties out of them.

I'll just grab every type of veggie I dig and start throwing anything I like together and see how that works. Ty all.

Great breakfast.. Scottish oatmeal, hand full of blueberries,1/2 banana sliced, hand full chopped walnuts a tablespoon flaxseed and some maple syrup to taste though you can leave it out...GOOOD anytime you feel hungry!
Thanks all yes there are millions of recipes at my fingertips that was my problem. Just too many ideas with nobody vouching for the meals themselves. Just looking for some direct suggestions. Oatmeal CHECK, Sweet potato fries, Sweet potato everything CHECK, I do eat a ton of chick peas (Garbanzo), Veggies galore CHECK, lots of salads, however I saw Chick pea balls? Yes this is what I need Chick pea balls in spaghetti! <---------This this this
I make my chickpea balls with seasonings, breadcrumbs and vegan beef flavored broth. Lentil burgers are also good. I use red lentils since they are softer.
I can see why you would like substantial meals, given your biking! I am also a fan of meals with some snacks in between rather than the mini-meal approach that some people find valuable.

I am not worried about maintaining my weight, as I need to lose a bit of weight, so my ideas may not work for you. For breakfast, I have been eating nuts and dried fruit. Lunch is often leftovers from the night before or rice cakes with almond butter and jam, along with fruits and veggies. Dinner... I had vegan sushi last night and the night before I had vegan pizza. I just went vegan a couple weeks ago after years of being vegetarian (with periods of veganism), so this isn't a solid routine yet. It's sustaining me so far, though already getting a bit boring.

Good luck on expanding your vegan meal repertoire!
Forgive me for stepping on toes but l find a lot of people do not understand the meaning of Veganism, It is not a diet or a way to loose weight, so it is not necessary to be hungry to be a Vegan. It is not about loving dogs and cats, though a Vegan would not want to see them harmed in any way. It not about reducing your cholesterol or blood pressure though that will happen. It is not about an exercise regime though many Vegans are quite physical , now you tell me what it is about! I am not easily offended to please speak your mind!
I should clarify: I am not getting bored of being vegan, just of eating the same thing most days. I need to expand my own repertoire. Also, I am not vegan to lose weight, I just happen to need to lose weight.

I just wanted to point those things out... I may have been misunderstanding the previous post, but I thought I would clarify my own post in case it was needed. :)
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I should clarify: I am not getting bored of being vegan, just of eating the same thing most days. I need to expand my own repertoire. Also, I am not vegan to lose weight, I just happen to need to lose weight.

I just wanted to point those things out... I may have been misunderstanding the previous post, but I thought I would clarify my own post in case it was needed. :)

Please forgive me, l had not intended that my remarks be directed at you, l was purging and it just happened after your comment.
I am also subscribed to a Whole Food Plant based Face Book site and l sometimes forget where l am posting :oops:.But being Vegan l seem to find a large portion of the participants use the term rather loosely not fully understanding or committed to its principals.? Now with that being said how may l help you?
You can become quite bored at first, not familiar with food preparation, shopping and such. I had encountered the same issue but now realize my food selections are unlimited and l wonder how meat eaters could ever be satisfied with such a limited selection of food.
Please go to this link and take the 30 day Vegan Challenge, l found it very informative.

Regards.. Dave
Thank you for your thoughtful reply. I appreciate it. I am definitely not using the term loosely. I am just being sort of lazy with cooking at the moment. I am planning on cooking some stuffed zucchini tomorrow night, which will hopefully be good.

It's funny-- I have been a vegetarian for 12 years, so I know how to make good meals, but I've been feeling really stressed, which for me translates into low energy sometimes. Low energy = lack of good food prep.

I am sorry for taking over this thread inadvertently. I can post one too if needed. Thank you!
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I understand where you are coming from..when you are stressed, like most of us, you want to turn to food. The thing is there is not a lot of "fast food" available for us unless we make it previously.
The thing l like to do is address the problem head don't want to make a meal while you are want to eat!
Think outside the box...l no longer have set meals, breakfast lunch and dinner are just names not meals. If l am hungry just before dinner l will prepare a bowl of cereal with some nuts and berries and almond will help take the edge off and help carry you thru while you prepare something.
With you thru the hard time!

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