Upworthy video worth watching (about animal agriculture)

That was an interesting talk. Wow. Was that lady for real, or was she an actor? Hm, leaning towards the latter ...! Still a good talk, though.
I loved this. I posted it on my Facebook and quoted, "the power of willful ignorance cannot be over stated". I was not surprised that I got zero activity on that post. Pretty much proved the point. I'm hoping it wasn't completely skipped over and that a few friends/family at least watched it.

I also got the feeling, while watching this, that some of the people's expressions were annoyance that they had to sit and listen (the whole willful ignorance thing) and not so much that their eyes were being opened. Do we know what the audience was told as far as what the subject of the talk was going to be about? Marketing strategies...or did they know, going in, that it would be about factory farming? I might have missed that.
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I loved this.

I also got the feeling, while watching this, that some of the people's expressions were annoyance that they had to sit and listen (the whole willful ignorance thing) and not so much that their eyes were being opened. Do we know what the audience was told as far as what the subject of the talk was going to be about? Marketing strategies...or did they know, going in, that it would be about factory farming? I might have missed that.

My feel was that they were expecting a straight up Talk on marketing and had been completely unprepared for the latter content.

Interesting mix of reaction but like you the one I felt the most was annoyance , a lot of irritation and some uncomfortable shame or embarrassment. By the time she got to the secret weapon most of the audience seem to chosen to disconnect from her words and the images altogether.

What an exceptional presentation and outstanding speaker btw... Even if she was not appreciated on this occasion !!