Various random thoughts & observations....

I've noticed that too. I remember automatic doors that had the rubber floor mats in front that triggered them, now you have to stop and wait.
I'm having so many kinds of allergies today. First was yardwork, then store smells, then dust and basement stuff. My whole head hurts, and it's a really beautiful day :(
I'm now trying to decide on a spinach artichoke dip with tofu, or hot with cashew cheese
Might as well cook, I'm getting nowhere trying to clean-making a mess actually
It turns out chocolate chips don't automatically melt when you drop some in a hot cup of coffee.
Speaking of chocolate chips-I was just at Trader Joes, decided to get their chocolate chips, which are vegan if you don't question the sugar. I thought about the chunks instead, which have a higher percentage of cocoa--they have milkfat! :confused: I wouldn't have guessed, and it doesn't make a bit of sense! TJ's is so bad for that
Speaking of melting (or not)... I find it odd that a company would describe their thin & crispy tortilla chips as "melt in your mouth".... o_O

Now, it's true that some crispy snacks get a little melty... cheese puffs/cheese balls/lentil snaps/etc. seem to just dissolve.... But I've never had a single corn chip snack that I would describe as melt-in-your-mouth. LOL
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Speaking of melting (or not)... I find it odd that a company would describe their thin & crispy tortilla chips as "melt in your mouth".... o_O

Now, it's true that some crispy snacks get a little melty... cheese puffs/cheese balls/lentil snaps/etc. seem to just dissolve.... But I've never had a single corn chip snack that I would describe as melt-in-your-mouth. LOL
Did you know they were originally invented using animal feed?

A Brief History of the Cheese Curl, Junk Food’s Happiest Accident
I've noticed I haven't experienced any allergy symptoms this spring! o_O I don't know if it's coincidence or if there's a connection, but I'm convinced it could be diet-related. I guess I'll wait to see what autumn brings... if memory serves, fall allergies were comparatively worse.

Whatever the case, the only thing making my eyes water right now is that strong red onion. :p
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I've also noticed that the only sounds I've heard outside today have been the pleasant chirps of tiny songbirds... not the harsh, hoarse, angry squawks of the obnoxious starlings.... just nice little birdie sounds. :)
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I've noticed I haven't experienced any allergy symptoms this spring! o_O I don't know if it's coincidence or if there's a connection, but I'm convinced it could be diet-related. I guess I'll wait to see what autumn brings... if memory serves, fall allergies were comparatively worse.

Whatever the case, the only thing making my eyes water right now is that strong red onion. :p
That is interesting. Mine are weird. Some days they'll completely in control, then they resurface so badly I can't leave the tissue box
I seem to have trouble telling the difference between Dashiell Hammett and Raymond Chandler. It's probably because they wrote similar kinds of "hardboiled" detective fiction.
My frozen Brussels sprouts are actually from Belgium!! I try to get more local stuff when I can, but it's nice to know these are authentic. LOL :p
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One of the ZIP codes for Schenectady, NY is 12345. I feel sorry for any resident who has to convince someone that it really IS their ZIP code and not a fake one.

Similarly, I'm sure there were people born on January 1, 1900 who had to fill out official documents and then convince skeptical receptionists and others that it really was their birthday.

(In hospitals and medical offices, if employees don't have an official birthdate for a patient, they often use January 1, 1900 as a placeholder in the computer until they get the real birthdate. Sometimes they forget to change it once they get it. Then they end up with a 30 year old patient listed as 117 in the computer.)
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I was looking into the Seresto flea collar for my cats...$55 a piece. Yikes! They last 8 months, though. But somehow I don't like the idea of them wearing collars, particularly ones that are chemical ridden. I can't imagine myself hugging and kissing them the way I do and getting a faceful of poison on a daily basis. As it is I have to be careful for at least 24 hours after I apply the Advantage.
I was looking into the Seresto flea collar for my cats...$55 a piece. Yikes! They last 8 months, though. But somehow I don't like the idea of them wearing collars, particularly ones that are chemical ridden. I can't imagine myself hugging and kissing them the way I do and getting a faceful of poison on a daily basis. As it is I have to be careful for at least 24 hours after I apply the Advantage.
All I know is that Mojo (Jer's dog) goes outside... I guess during the summer he gets some ampule of stuff deposited between his shoulder blades, where he can't get at it.... That just absorbs into the blood stream, I guess. Sounds creepy, but it's supposed to keep him flea/tick-free for three months (?)....

Cats can reach pretty much any area... I hear the shoulder blade area is tough, though... they often like to be scratched there 'cuz they can't reach. I dunno if the ampule ointment/whatever would work.... talk to your vet.
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They make that product for cats- I think I've used Frontline when I rescued Momo and her kids. They were covered in deer ticks. I treated my cats just in case.
They're all inside cats.
My vets all agreed collars put too much chemical near the head while not so effective towards the tail.
OMG! :mad: I read the reviews on Chewy about the Seresto collar-so many idiots who don't deserve to have cats
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