Various random thoughts & observations....

I changed it to "Yule Special" I think...? **squinting** Wow, is that ever freaking bright! :tinfoilhat:

Nope. I dig the falling-snowflake touch, but I'm going blind here.... LOL

I guess if I want the darkened background (which I'm now used to), it comes with cobwebs. I've got "Blackened Blue" now... I dig it, I'll deal. :cool:
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Grover is Jewish?? That's awesome! Ohhh, he's my favorite Sesame Street muppet of all time! :D


I don't know if this is legit, I just really liked it.... I went to a Jewish pre-school (in a temple), then Catholic grade-school, and so on.... yeah. :bag:
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Just having thoughts on cauliflower... how I've never cooked much with it & why the hell not... and how it will, from this moment forward, be the base of my vegan cheese sauce instead of cashews. :yes: Roasted cauliflower & garlic versus soaking nuts for two days... and with cashews, it's still grainy because I don't have a high-powered FP.... but more bonuses are: cauliflower is a much-desired cruciferous veggie that I want to work with more, I'll cut my fat content drastically, and it's waaay cheaper than cashews! :D

And the point of this post was (while I was stirring delectable cheesy-broccocaulitini) I was wondering how you all pronounce CAULIFLOWER.

For me, I guess it'd be: kah'-luh-flower ---- (I looked for a schwa, couldn't find a code for it. LOL)
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Just having thoughts on cauliflower... how I've never cooked much with it & why the hell not... and how it will, from this moment forward, be the base of my vegan cheese sauce instead of cashews. :yes: Roasted cauliflower & garlic versus soaking nuts for two days... and with cashews, it's still grainy because I don't have a high-powered FP.... but more bonuses are: cauliflower is a much-desired cruciferous veggie that I want to work with more, I'll cut my fat content drastically, and it's waaay cheaper than cashews! :D

And the point of this post was (while I was stirring delectable cheesy-broccocaulitini) I was wondering how you all pronounce CAULIFLOWER.

For me, I guess it'd be: kah'-luh-flower ---- (I looked for a schwa, couldn't find a code for it. LOL)

I pronounce it same as you do. It’s probably a regional thing, like orange. I grew up in Los Angeles and pronounce it OHrange, while my mother, who grew up in New Jersey, pronounced it AUrange. She used to mock my pronunciation and try to correct me. Good-naturedly, of course. However, with the word water, a lot of people pronounce it waDer, while I tend to pronounce it waTer, with emphasis on a hard T. That’s how my father, who grew up in Philadelphia, pronounced it.
I pronounce it same as you do. It’s probably a regional thing, like orange. I grew up in Los Angeles and pronounce it OHrange, while my mother, who grew up in New Jersey, pronounced it AUrange. She used to mock my pronunciation and try to correct me. Good-naturedly, of course. However, with the word water, a lot of people pronounce it waDer, while I tend to pronounce it waTer, with emphasis on a hard T. That’s how my father, who grew up in Philadelphia, pronounced it.
For me, "orange" is one syllable.... and I say "wadder." :p
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kah'-luh-flower. or-inge. wadder
I keep hearing the word 'correct' pronounced 'kur-rect' on a radio show and it drives me crazy :rolleyes:
Those Pennslyvanians and there 'worsh' for wash drives me nuts too :D
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