Vegan Summer Fete

I'm planning on going but I will have to see closer to the day.:)
It would have been a long journey for me but I can't anyway as I'll be in Verona. Looks great though, hope anyone who goes has a good time.
That's the bank holiday weekend isn't it?

Can't go. No way can I take time off work over the summer bank holiday, we'll be completely full.
Did anyone go in the end?
I did! It was fun, but tiny. I would have been pretty disappointed if I'd travelled for any longer than I did as there was so much less than usual. Everything was basically in one room, and there were only a handfull of stalls. similar to a real fete I guess. Im not saying its a bad thing, its different, but if Id travelled from the other side of the country id be a little annoyed to have finished in an hour. Ive eaten too many cupcakes, I feel sick uuuurggghhhh!
It did sound like it was going to be small and cozy. I wasn't keen to take bean out to something all day, possibly in the rain (major thunderstorms here today...we even lost power for like 2 minutes!). I would've loved to been at Ms. Cupcake's presentation though. I wonder when the Midlands Event is.
27th of October the site tells me in giant neonish Geocities circa 1998 letters. :p

(not disparaging the event, just the site design...there was a big to-do about this last year on VB, so please don't be offended anyone reading this)
^ Gah garish!

What was it like last year, did anyone go? How big was it? I might be busy that weekend anyway I have a lot going on in October, but I have a vegan fayre/festival craving.
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Couldn't go. Working all weekend! I hope there is something else soon.
Summerrain, I was feeling that too. Nice to go somewhere with lots of vegan-friendliness. (plus loads of samples, heh)
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Yeah, vegan friendliness is brilliant, and free samples give you an idea of what vegan products are worth buying and which aren't without costing a fortune. I feel out of the loop! Although of course there is the VV product thread :D