Vegan/Vegetarian recipe books-Reviews

Hello everyone! I need a vegetarian recipe that is quick and everyone likes it!
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Hello everyone! I need a vegetarian recipe that is quick and everyone likes it!
That is WAY too broad a category! Do you care about fats? Does it need to be whole food? Any allergies? Any food preferences? Is this a potluck with omnis?

I make a quick dinner with pasta and veggies. I saute onions, mushrooms, peppers, maybe broccoli garlic and stir some vegan mayo in with some pasta water, nooch, a bit of lemon and whatever spices you like.

Toss cauliflower and broccoli florets with drained/rinsed chickpeas in olive oil and season well. Roast in a hot oven for about 15 minutes till done. Serve with a side of dressing


Rigatoni with veggies

vegetable lo mein

curry with kidney or garbanzo beans- cook diced potatoes with peas, broccoli, spinach (and/or) curry powder or paste and coconut milk
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The second one is okay but first and third books are not that much worth for creative recipes
Anything Linda McCartney is amazing! My favourite are her sausages! You cannot beat them! But you can beat some potatoes and make some bangers n mash!