Literature What are you currently reading?

I just finished the fourth book in the Eastward Witches series by Nova Nelson.
I've been going through these pretty fast. Normally I just listen to an audio book before bed but I've been taking these along with me in the car, in the store and even when household chores.

The cover describes them as a paranormal cozy mystery. There is a bit of romance thrown in there too. these remind me a lot of some of the C. J. Archer books I enjoy so much. I learned that romantasy is thing now. I wonder if we need a sub genre; mystery Romantasy or romystery??

So far all the novels are in the first person which is sort of unusual. But I find it interesting. In this case it allows for the reader to experience some of the main character's emotions.

I think it's tricky to write a good fantasy (or science fiction) murder mystery. Mostly because when the author has to explain what is possible in that world it sometimes gives away the mystery. But it's been done well and this author seems to be able to pull it off every time.

The one thing that I don't like is that that the population of Eastwind has so many different fictional characters and they cut across all types of fantasy. Witches, were-people, vampires, leprechauns, satyrs, fairies, genies, angels, giants, ogres, elves, goblins, and the grim reaper. But in fairness Harry Potter's world was pretty diverse as well and I need complained.

Well I haven’t read it yet but Dick Gregory’s saw the the link between non violents and and the slaughter and animals….

The Legacy of a Civil Rights Icon’s Vegetarian Cookbook​

Dick Gregorya​

I have read another Mary Kay Andrews book called "The Homewreckers." It is about a young (30's) widow who renovates and flips old houses in Savannah, GA. After a project loses her a bunch of money, she is talked into doing a reality TV show which is named The Homewreckers. There is lots of drama and chaos when the wallet of a woman missing for 17 years is discovered in the wall of the bathroom. Good mystery, interesting characters, and some romance. I am really enjoying this author's novels.
Back again! Just finished "The Wild Girls" by Phoebe Morgan. Wow! This book sucks you in and you can't put it down! It is about friendship, betrayal, secrets, and obsession, and ultimately, murder. Four young women have been best friends since childhood until something happens 2 years ago. This is not explained until Part Two of the book. Hannah, Alice, and Grace each receive a birthday invitation from Felicity for an all expenses paid vacation to Botswana, Africa. They gladly accept thinking they will reconcile the past and be "besties" again. But things are strange when they arrive at a remote lodge. There is no one there. They get a text from Felicity saying she is ill and to just follow her instructions and settle in and she will see them in the morning. But she never appears. So begins a nightmare. Lots of twists and it isn't until the very end that you find out the truth. Great read! I am going to the library online to find more of Ms. Morgan's thrillers as this one is the newest one.
Ok, sorry, weird question.
I had just started a book. I was maybe a chapter into it.
But I reset my Kindle and I had to re-load my books. (everything is backed up on the laptop).
I can't remember the name of the book. I'm pretty sure it came from something recommended by one of the regulars.
In the first chapter we are introduced to a woman. Pretty sure it's in the future. She is waiting at the ferry for a boy who she and her husband have adopted. In the second chapter she goes to watch him compete in a swim meet. and she sees him kiss a girl.
That's as far as I got.
Anyone know?
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^ I don't think it was anything I read.

I started one of the library books called The Cruise by Catherine Cooper, but it isn't that interesting so far so I think I will stop.

I saw that the Tom Selleck memoir - You Never Know is ready at the library. I will see if my husband wants to read that first and then he can tell me if I will like it. He is 5 years older than me so he probably remembers Magnum PI more than I do!
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