What are you listening to right now?

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"With utter loathing and scorn, I was somehow born.
Strewn in black decay.
None shall I obey.
The wreckage of my flesh. The nakedness of my death."

This song fits perfectly with one of my characters. :) I regret destroying all of my stories.. Perhaps I should write all of them down again.. There is nothing wrong with being connected with your inner darkness.
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Letting the youtube recommendation algorithm drive, starting with Crass.

Crass > Adolescents > Dead Kennedys > Bauhaus > The Cure > Cabaret Nocturne. Never heard these guys before...total Boards of Canada vibe but more energy.

Didn't even know that in my life I was missing something... And now, I want one of those huge drums...
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Taiko drumming is real popular in my area. We have clubs and festivals. Originally it was taught almost like a martial art in Japan. And No Women allowed. There are still some old school traditionalists who don't like the new progressive youth orientation. The progressives are really popular in the bay area.

Last year at the San Jose Obon festival they put together a musical. It has acting, singing, drumming, and dancing. It told the story of some Japanese teenagers in an internment camp. Some of the boys wanted to join the Army. And some of the girls were in love with the boys who wanted to join the army. This was either the last act or maybe just something they did after the musical. The cast was dressed like this anyway. All 40s styles. and the music the kids listened to in internment camps was swing. So it just meshed.

I was sitting on a curb in the shade. But I never did spot me in the audience.

No women allowed? Hmm... well, not my problem. My intention is that when I move into the woods, I'm taking that drum with me and let the bears in the area know that it's my territory. (I'm not being 100 % serious...)
Somehow knew that the drumming had something to do with scaring off enemies, but thank you for affirming that belief.
That's some interesting clip of the musical. Thanks for sharing. It's strange that the story is sad, but they are all smiling.
More of Taiko...
It's strange that the story is sad, but they are all smiling.

The end of the story was the war ended. Boys who left came home. and the camp was closed. Although it wasn't totally happy. Some of the families had no place to go. A mostly happy ending. Hence, the smiling faces.
"When you have the will
You learn to forgive and to forget
You have to -
Collect the broken pieces and
Humble hearted
Stand up from the place where you hide

When you listen to yourself
Don't always expect
To find understanding
It takes time
You may loose your faith
But don't be afraid to find the solution

That heavy wasn't my load
That I wouldn't also try
To carry yours
My burning heart - unbearable!
My optimistic mind - collapsed!

Don't fear the danger
Follow your heart to the light
Live your dream and learn to carry on"

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