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Children What silly things have your kids done/said lately?


Forum Senior
Jun 1, 2012
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Kids are hilarious and I'm always posting about the cute/silly thing My bugs did or said that day. Thought I'd create a thread where we can all share.
I don't have children of my own but I have a 2 year old nephew I see on a regular basis, and I'm sure I'll be able to post here often. :p
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My kids are long past the age of saying cute silly things... but I remember when my daughter was 8 and after a softball game she wanted to go to the concussion stand. She didn't know what the word was and sounded out concession, lol.
Mine is still too young, he mostly just says "blah blah blah blah bbbbpppppbbbb." But we're raising him trilingual (i speak to him in Chinese when it's just me and him and English when others are around, his mom and grandparents speak to him mostly in French with some English), so I'm anxious to see what kind of phrases he starts coming up with as he starts talking.
Mine is still too young, he mostly just says "blah blah blah blah bbbbpppppbbbb." But we're raising him trilingual (i speak to him in Chinese when it's just me and him and English when others are around, his mom and grandparents speak to him mostly in French with some English), so I'm anxious to see what kind of phrases he starts coming up with as he starts talking.
That should be interesting. My friends daughter was raised trilingual also, English, Spanish and Russian.
My kids are long past the age of saying cute silly things... but I remember when my daughter was 8 and after a softball game she wanted to go to the concussion stand. She didn't know what the word was and sounded out concession, lol.

Wait, what? Did you mean she said concussion instead of concession? Or is there something called a concussion stand?
Wait, what? Did you mean she said concussion instead of concession? Or is there something called a concussion stand?

She just mispronounced it she had never heard either word. She just knew you got treats at one, not wacks over the head, lol.
My son is two so he says a lot of ridiculous things. In fact most of the things he says are pretty ridiculous. Like...
"My bear wants to go potty" (that usually means he has to go potty too but he wants to bring a friend)
"I have a tail" (I keep trying to explain that no, he does not have a tail but somehow he got it in his head that he has a tail.)
"The piggie is too big." (what? why? too big for what?)

And my favorite is how if he doesn't understand the question he usually answers "yeah" anyway. So it makes for a really fun game.
"Do you want warts?" "yeah"
"Do you like the smell of farts?" "yeah"
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Lordy, so many funny things already, at six months. I call her "little weirdo" sometimes. :) My absolute favorite thing started when my mom was visiting last month. We were changing her clothes and when taking off her top, it rested on her head in a way where it sorta looked like the headgear that the Pharaohs would wear. We were joking about her being King Tut and at some point YouTube'd the Steve Martin video and sang the song with her. She laughed hysterically...couldn't catch her breath sometimes. Now, nearly every day, when changing clothes, she gets this enormous grin and we have a few seconds of King Tut.

Also...I'm convinced she would live her life upside down if we let her.
Not my child, but our 3 year old nephew. Well actually he's my husband's cousin, but since there's such a big age gap they're like uncle and nephew. So today we took nephew to the park, and on the way he starts saying:
"Uncle MONKEY, Uncle MONKEY!" in a sing-song voice.
My husband said "Do you want to go to the park?"
Nephew thought for a moment then said: "Uncle good boy."
He got to go to the park.
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Conversation between my grandson, Josh (3 1/2) and his mom, my daughter.

Josh: Does God have a baby like us?
Daughter: He has a son, Jesus. But he's a man now.
Josh: Does Jesus wear underwear:
Daughter: Yes.
Josh: Does God wear underwear???
Daughter: Yes.
Josh: Even to bed?
Daughter: Yes.
Josh: Does God have friends (aka stuffed animals) in his bed?
Daughter: Probably!

I wonder if he will finally potty train now! :)
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I love this thread! Kids are so great and innately funny. One of my little kindergartners was very excited about the birth of her new baby sister. One morning , she came in and proudly announced that her baby sister's "extension cord" had fallen off the night before!
Once, we were discussing the difference between animal homes and human homes. A little boy asked ,"Mrs. Maarouf,did they have houses when you were a kid?"
Josh started to fall asleep in the car and he says "I can't open my eyes. They keep getting stuck down". HAHAHAHAHA
When my niece, Arielle, was younger, we had her stay with us. We took her to meet another friend of ours, Jennifer, that was pregnant at the time. My sister told Arielle "Jennifer has a baby in her tummy". Arielle looks at Jennifer confusedly, looks at me with the same furrowed brow, then looks back at my sister and says "Did she eat it?"
When my boys were little, we kept a little journal of the funny things they said. Though I have no idea what happened to that book, I do remember a couple things. One time Sean said he wanted to be a dog when he grew up. :D And his brother wanted to be Vince Neil of Motley Crue fame.... this of course was when MTV was in its glorious infancy. :D
One day Sean was playing "superman" and jumping off the couch. I asked "what are you doing?" and he said "I am practicing flying"
Probably the best one was one day as we are driving down the road talking about "the olden days", my son asks me "when were you born?" When I told him, he was quite surprised and remarked "Was that back when there were DINOSAURS?"
LOL now I am may be old ... but not THAT old... :D