Religion What throws you off from "churches"?


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Jun 26, 2012
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Midwest ,USA
  1. Vegan
Latley Our pastor been preaching against organized religion and legalism. I am wondering what throws you all off from a "church" setting or churches? Also what throws you off from Organized religion as well?

I have been wondering this for awhile and just wanted to express my feelings . I believe that Organized Religion is more harm then Good and it causes problems and confusion.

The most things that throws me off from "churches" are the ones that forces a woman to wear dresses and skirts only, makes you read the King James Bible, dictate what you listen and watch and drink and wear and eat.

I also don't like the stonethrowers and modern day pharisees that are hypocritical behavior.

What I Look into a church is those helping and encouraging each other and postive thinking and things and helping the community and to allow people to choose what they want to wear and love them the way they are..

I know some will here thinking this is strange to post here but, I am just curious and not debating just wanting to know...
I think what throws me off the most is the overly preachy people you meet there.I mean there's nothing wrong with being passionate about what you believe in but saying what you believe is the only right way to be is messed up.

Plus I do agree those places have a lot of hypocritical people.
The hypocrisy I have seen in organized religion is what initially put me off going to church. I admit to considering going back to church just for the social aspects of it as I would like to meet people. I attended a couple of services with my son and his gf but that church is one of those big production places and it TOTALLY made me want to RUN away as fast as I could. :D
Being told you're going to hell if you're not straight or if you are skeptical about God's existence.* Or if you have another religion.
*But apparently owning slaves is ok because the bible said so -_-
Eleven years of private Catholic school, being dragged to church early morning, evenings and sometimes twice a week and deciding religion was not for me for various reasons.
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Eleven years of private Catholic school, being dragged to church early morning, evenings and sometimes twice a week and deciding religion was not for me for various reasons.

Going willing to church with my grandma three times every Sunday all of my childhood, initially full of questions and curosity only to be met by a group of shrivelled up, mean minded old 'regulars' who expressed no joy or love but were instead bitter and judgemental and unwilling and unable to answer any of my questions.
Just going there and it is really boring listening to the sermon and solemn hymns, it would always make me want to start making jokes about it all. Sometimes it was unintentionally hilarious but it would be unacceptable to laugh.

Also all the sinner talk.