Nothing right now, but... last night I improvised a very simple bean stew: my home-grown blackeyed peas and lovage, cooked with some brown lentils and potato chunks, in enough water to cover in my slow cooker. (If you're not familiar with it, lovage is a perennial herb in the Parsley family with a strong celery flavor.) I soaked the peas overnight beforehand. About 2 hours into cooking my house had this maddeningly good cooked-celery smell.
This stuff is GOOD, even though I added no oil, margarine, soy sauce, or salt; a bit of oil (and some garlic) would have made it better but the cleanup of my slow cooker was a bit easier for my not having used it. The lentils, lovage, and potato added a savory flavor to the rather-bland blackeyed peas. I had some of this over white rice with fresh garlic for lunch.
Over the weekend I had some black walnuts from the tree in my yard for a snack. I had collected some in the autumn of 2015, cleaned them, and stored them in a box in the kitchen, but they weren't rancid- they were still sweet, although many of the kernels were shriveled (they were the same way when I had eaten some of them fresh a year and a half ago). If they weren't so hard to crack I'd have probably finished them. I just go outside, bash 'em with a brick on the sidewalk, pick out the pieces of meat, and start munching. It took a few tries for me to figure out just how much force to use so I'd crack them quickly but not pulverize the nutmeat inside. The squirrels get most of them, but I don't mind; their ancestors planted the tree, after all.