Well, interesting that you should ask that, lol. Here’s the deal...
I broke off a piece of it, frozen, so I could take it to work and cook it in the toaster oven. Then I never got to eat it. When I got home, it was defrosted and I didn’t feel like turning on the oven. So I cooked it on top of the stove on low, with a cover so the cheese would melt. Then I cooked it the last few minutes with the cover off and the crust was amazing...thin and crisp. And for some reason, the cheese was really good too. It didn’t have that bite that daiya seems to have. It tasted more mellow like mozzarella. I don’t know, maybe I was just hungry, lol. And it only took, maybe ten minutes. I kept checking the crust to make sure it didn’t burn. It was just really good. I’m going to bring the rest to my SIL’s today for our Christmas get together. I’ll let you know if it works again or if it was just a fluke.