I never planted my garlic.
I was thinking of doing it now but since we may be moving, maybe I will wait until I’m newly settled. Would be nice if that happens by the Fall.
I tried planting garlic a couple times and had no luck! Wish I could because I refuse to buy the ones from China! Why on earth would the US get so much garlic from China? It's just a thing, I'm not saying it's bad or anything. Trader Joes has pretty good organic garlic priced right
Garlic is a rather small plant, and sometimes one or two cloves of a bulb of garlic start putting out green sprouts. The last bulb of garlic I bought had two of these; I carefully put them aside and potted up the two of them about a week or two ago. The sprout of one shriveled up, but I'm going to keep watering it a bit. The other one is definitely growing.
I don't know if garlic needs a cold period to start sprouting; I'm assuming it does because of my lousy luck with spring-planted garlic as opposed to fall-planted.
I'm taking today off; I'm fairly caught-up at work, but I've let my place get cluttered and I haven't started my romaine lettuce or plum tomatoes. If it's not too much trouble, could some of you give me a cyber-kick-in-the-pants?
One thing I did today: I have 3
Clivia miniata plants, which have grown from a small one I bought from a mail-order greenhouse in New England years ago. They form clumps by producing offshoots from the base, instead of getting leggy, and two of them are quit crowded- so I promised one of my co-workers I'd give them one when I divided mine. I did that this morning; it was easy- I just slid it out of its pot and the clump easily divided into two clumps. I repotted the two of them and gave them a good soaking. Weather permitting, I'll bring my co-worker their plant next week. It's an indoor plant, but I have to walk a few blocks to the bus.
ETA: here's a link that includes a good picture:
Plants & Flowers » Clivia miniata
It only blooms about once a year but the inflorescence lasts about a month. They're not hard to care for, either.... I often have to divide one, and they also produce offshoots which can be taken and rooted when they're small, before the parent plant really needs to be repotted- so if anyone here wants one, maybe I could mail you a small one. One caution: Clivia is in the Amaryllis family, and is somewhat poisonous, although I never had trouble with any of my cats trying to munch it and my rabbits didn't get the chance.