Yes I just heard that! Poisonous to humans and pets.@KLS52 I have some Lilies Of The Valley growing on the North side of my house, too. Over 30 years ago, they were in just a small area at the East end, and there was grass on the rest- but trees started growing on the property to my north, that area got a lot shadier, the grass died (no more mowing there), and the lilies took over. They're nice, but I'm pretty sure they're poisonous to eat.
(regarding lilies of the valley) I'm wondering if I should eradicate them. I've been outside on my property with cats, rabbits, and the occasional dog- and none of them ever showed any interest in the lilies. They're native to my area, so the squirrels and rabbits instinctively know not to eat them. Lilies of the valley spread like weeds, and once I tried to dig a few of them up and grow them in a terrarium, safe from my cats and rabbits, but the lilies died.Yes I just heard that! Poisonous to humans and pets.
Exactly! My mom actually saw the groundhogs scampering under the house next door (the beach cottages are often raised on pilings) after they had their feast! I told my mom the same about the roots. Just cover them and see what happens.@PTree15 If the roots are still alive, the basil might start growing again. Of course they won't need as much water until they've replaced some of the top growth. That surprises me, though- herbs usually don't get munched on so much (except for catnip).
It was looking like that's what I was going to do this year. I just could not get motivated! I am really doing planting, just hanging baskets. But I did want to get out at least some of thenon native invasives, especially the ones that kill or prevent natives from growing. I'm not too concerned with non natives that aren't causing a problem.I have pretty much left my garden to go wild! LOL I have many native plants and haven't bothered weeding or mulching.
Same here, though I need to trim one of the perennial plants because it's creeping into my walkway in the front yard, lol.I have pretty much left my garden to go wild! LOL I have many native plants and haven't bothered weeding or mulching.
That's such a shame. I'm always torn between love for all of the critters but then I'm not a gardener. It has to be very frustrating to try and grow anything and then have it ruined by wildlife. Flowers and plants are bad enough but to have food eaten by them is terrible.Same here, though I need to trim one of the perennial plants because it's creeping into my walkway in the front yard, lol.
Also, my mom and I may have to abandon our basil growing at the beach. My mom bought netting for the new plants, but the groundhogs managed to get under it somehow.I'm going to have to ration what's left of my frozen pesto! I would grow the basil at home, but I'm gone a lot for multiple days in the summer, and you really have to water basil daily if it doesn't rain. <sigh>
Yes, I struggle with that, too. It's so odd because we never had a problem with the basil before this. Very frustrating. My mom isn't an animal lover, lol, so she's just aggravated.That's such a shame. I'm always torn between love for all of the critters but then I'm not a gardener. It has to be very frustrating to try and grow anything and then have it ruined by wildlife. Flowers and plants are bad enough but to have food eaten by them is terrible.I remember two years ago when i planted two tomato plants and something took a bite out of my first tomato lol.
I don't have any oriental bittersweet on my property, but it grows in my area. I sometimes collect some of it and give it to people I know for free, warning them that it's invasive and they should not discard it on their property in a way that it might germinate. Garlic mustard is another invasive, which is edible; it tastes very much like mustard greens. I sometimes collect white mulberries- I don't know if it's officially an invasive, but it sure seems like one to me! It's fun to eat edible invasives (so long as you're absolutely sure you know what you're doing and you have the owner's permission, of course!)Work in progress. Still so much to do! I'm leaving a lot of the greenery because they are native. I pulled a lot of invasives...mugwort, knotweed, oriental bittersweet and garlic mustard. Still need to get rid of the Japanese honeysuckle and wineberry . I'm leaving the goldenrod, white wood aster, Virginia creeper.
I'm amazed at how many invasives there are in my yard.
My mom is not giving up! She has put together a barricade along the railing to keep the groundhogs off. That, and the netting, has thwarted them since. Fingers crossed that we get enough basil to make our pesto.Yes, I struggle with that, too. It's so odd because we never had a problem with the basil before this. Very frustrating. My mom isn't an animal lover, lol, so she's just aggravated.