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Neither Hitler nor Mao have any impact on the world today. If you can explain otherwise, I'd love to hear it since you obviously didn't give an explanation.
Adolf Hitler created the Third Reich, which managed to kill over six million people that would have otherwise continued existing if he hadn't killed them. He effectively began the second world war, which caused both widespread devastation in the Western world (and the Eastern world, let's not forget about Japan and what happened to China, as well as the Korean/Vietnam wars, both of which directly stem from WWII and wouldn't have happened if Hitler didn't work to form the Axis Powers) as well as major leaps in technological advancement. Without Hitler, there would be no WWII, at least not in the form we know it today. Without WWII, there would be no need to decipher complex codes, there would be no need to develop computers, faster airplanes, advanced radar... It's really hard to think of something that wasn't affected by Hitler's rise to power, and as a result exists or does not exist today.
Mao Tse-Tsung (sp?) was a Stalinist dictator who set the nation of China on the course of Communism. China today, at least most of it, is still Communistic. Granted, it has become more Capitalistic in the last few decades, but why? That's right - because WWII opened up a greater frontier of contact between world powers and set globalization on the level we know it today into effect, and, as a result, putting China in a position of being one of the most economically involved countries in the world, with outsourcing, for better or worse, being done there in huge amounts.
As one who considers a farm animal's life to be equal with a human life, it's hard for me to have anything close to an obsession with one individual. Both promoted a lot of evil but would a chicken look at them as being two of the worst humans ever? No.
You don't have to believe that chickens are somehow below humans to acknowledge that humans have more input on human culture than chickens do. A chicken wouldn't look at either of them as being the worst humans ever because it's a chicken. The chicken doesn't care about the intricacies of human culture. That doesn't make the chicken any less than it is. We all have different interests, and, speaking from both a logical and biological standpoint, chickens are extremely unlikely to look at any human being as "the worst human ever" or anything akin to that.
I wish we'd hear more about today's events. 7 billion people in the world and the problems that is causing. Amazing animal cruelty that goes on. The oceans going through horrible problems. Resources being depleted. We'd hear a lot less about race, and a lot more about some of the issues that are being ignored today. Talking about historic leaders gets us nowhere so they should be talked about far less. When the inevitable crisis happens, you know future generations will talk about much different issues than we talk about today. Rightfully so.
You don't understand that the past is not some separate entity from right now. History isn't broken up into little isolated chunks, it's one flow of events which gradually cause more and more things to happen as a result of the past things. That's just how time works. Causality and all that jazz.
We need to hear more about race because it is an issue that is ignored today, largely in the name of this stupid "color-blindness" movement that conveniently ignores all societal privilege and cultural boundaries on part of the oppressed.
Yes, it'd be great to hear more about the oceans and resource depletion and animal cruelty, but knowing about the past and knowing about the present are not mutually exclusive. In fact, in order to understand the present, you have to know what happened in the past, or otherwise you're just going to make the same dumb mistakes on a devastating scale all over again.
Plus, I've never heard anyone say "modern day issues need to be ignored in favor of historical knowledge," which seems to be the argument you are hell-bent on countering. I don't think you'll get that from anyone here. Nobody's making that argument. What you seem to be doing over and over is creating threads that state some controversial historical thing, citing a few dubious sources, and then defending your statement to the death, even though nobody's really even certain what you're trying to say in the first place and where you get the urge to bring these things up. I'm not attacking you at all here, just openly wondering about your methods and what you're trying to achieve here.
Good day.