Aha... i also have multiple bleeding red spots and fractures on hands in winter, because we have extreme humidity over here, as we're basically living on swamps. We call them "tzypki" (bleeding fractures). I never wear glover, so i've become more endurant to tzypki than i could have. (Of course, i'm not advising you to do the same). ...Can you obtain Streptocide Liniment 5% (an ointment) in a pharmacy shop? It's the best (and the safest) way to get rid of tzypki and other wounds. Just don't swallow it (you can even take it in your mouth, just spit away all of it, after you rinse your mouth). I'm telling these details to explain that Streptocide Liniment 5% (not 10%!) is good for treating mucous membranes, including human s€x organs. OTOH, who knows, what do they add into it at where you are (what additional components)... It's 100% safe over here, but that's over here. Anyway, it's 100% safe for treating your hands and face, at least. Sometimes, the face gets red and swollen too, after crawling on the frost with 99% humidity, lol.