Are You an Unhealthy Vegetarian ?

I mostly eat food from the healthy categories. But I also consume too much white rice and sugar. Sadly, I don't see that changing anytime soon. I do and will continue to make the effort, though.

Bottom line...I am more healthy than unhealthy. :)
I switched to mainly wholemeal bread a while back.

And more vegetable soup....
Everything in moderation.
I eat better than i used to, but somedays its all about the sweets, sugar and pies.

I think being veggie/vegan is making me better at trying new healthier options. Some day I totally crave vegetables, fruits and juices over junk food.
Well, I don't like being called a pseudo-vegetarian for starters. There's nothing in vegetarianism that means you HAVE to eat healthy foods and it's damn insulting to say that those of us who don't aren't real vegetarians.

*storms off in a huff*
^ I was about to make the same point about using the term "pseudo-vegetarians",:rolleyes: I used to eat loads of cheese and pasta when I was l/o vegetarian and I have my share of junk food and alcohol as a vegan.:D
Well I say storm off... It's probably more like waddles off.. But by god it is in a huff! :p
I'm definitely healthier for cutting out meat since it actually massively broadened my diet. But yeh, not too healthy.
I eat foods from all the categories they listed, healthy and not so healthy. (Except the Greek yogurt.) I do generally prefer white rice (brown is nice occasionally) and white pasta (whole grain pasta is gross), but wheat bread.

Other than my catastrophic illness, I am healthier than I was when I was omni.
Tofu is "heavily processed"? And "anything heavily processed shouldn't be consumed"?

Some would argue that that article is garbage, and garbage should not be read. Though I personally wouldn't go that far.
Tofu is "heavily processed"? And "anything heavily processed shouldn't be consumed"?

Some would argue that that article is garbage, and garbage should not be read. Though I personally wouldn't go that far.

I won't argue. I think the article is garbage.
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Eat meat substitutes, but make sure to read the labels to make sure they are not filled with empty nutrition and artificial flavors.

Tofu: Tofu may seem like a great replacement for meat, but eating too much of it is not good for your digestive system. Tofu is made from soybeans, but is heavily processed. Anything heavily processed shouldn’t be consumed, vegetarian or not.

Cheese is high in saturated fat and can contains artificial ingredients, which are not good for the body.

Veggie Hot Dog, Patties and Bacon: Don’t let the name fool you, veggie hot dogs and patties are not made from vegetables. The hot dogs, patties and bacon are made from processed soy, artificial ingredients and flavors. Plus, the artificial “meat” is not healthier than real meat.

Some would argue that that article is garbage, and garbage should not be read. Though I personally wouldn't go that far.

They can write garbage as long as they dont eat it afterwards apparently!

I hate this train of thought that being veg*n automatically means healthy eater. Whilst I do eat well most of the time, shut up and let me eat my pot noodle! Its not going to kill me.
They can write garbage as long as they dont eat it afterwards apparently!

I hate this train of thought that being veg*n automatically means healthy eater. Whilst I do eat well most of the time, shut up and let me eat my pot noodle! Its not going to kill me.


I hate when shame and criticism is directed towards vegetarians by other vegetarians! It's bad enough that we get those lame "PETA-People Eating Tasting Animals" jokes and "Where do you get your protein" questions from omnis, we don't need to be preached to by our veggie peers for not being a good vegetarian. (Good according to their standards anyways:rolleyes: .)

Tofu is not heavily processed and meat substitutes have been life savers for some people helping them not only transition into vegetarianism , but also helping them maintain it. Plus they are convenient and a hell of a lot more healthy than eating their meaty equivaliants.