Are You an Unhealthy Vegetarian ?

years ago I learned not to put anything on a hospital menu you don't want to eat to much of, I ciricled my iintrests one time and here comes a tray full of lots of stuff LOL I was barely able to eat it.
Next time that I need an op, I will demand to be flown to your hospital.:p
I had emergency surgery at an NHS hospital a few years ago and at first even the doctors were puzzled as to what I ate. When i started naming things like, fruits, veg, whole grains, beans, lentils, nuts they all relaxed. The catering staff worked extra hard to think up food for me as a vegan. I had a jacket potato with cowboy beans the first 2 days but after that I had a variety. One night I had white rice (I would have prefered brown rice, but hey)and lightly seasoned kidney beans with cucumber slices--kinda mexican. Once i had a veg curry. it was lovely. they also let me keep soya yogurts in the nurses fridge and I could ask for one if I was hungry. I made sure to send a thank you note as I was in hospital for 8 days. So it *can* be done.

I would say overall we are healthy vegans as these days i can't tolerate wheat so well and most convience foods(like burgers/fake meats) have wheat in them. Plus vegan cheese is just nasty so i make nutritional yeast/cashew cheese sauce. We used to eat loads of swedish glace fake ice cream but it got expensive and really is rather fakey--these days i will make sweet potato ice cream (freeze cooked sweet potoato, thaw a bit then puree with a splash of "milk" in food processor--add cinnamon and a drizzle of golden syrup--yum. Or frozen banana ice cream--just puree frozen bananas with a splash of "milk"

Plus I am really cheap and fake processed stuff tends to cost more than making it by yourself. I think it does.