I'll engage in this thread, since you seem to think that women should be judged if they have a "sex worker" name.
Just for the record, here is the perfect example of you warping what someone said to suit your own agenda, and then confusing a bunch of other people to argue on your side, when your side was completely manufactured out of your own imagination.
No one asserted that anyone should be judged for having a sex worker name. What my ridiculous post full of those stereotypical images was intended to criticize was the idea that we must always refrain from judging the appearances of people who are deliberately choosing to sell themselves in their chosen niche. Forget what was in the post, since it went over almost everyone's heads. Let's say I want work as a children's birthday party clown. So I start a blog where I talk about all the children's birthday parties I've already worked at, and for my photo I choose a picture of myself done up as a clown, I have a Twitter, YouTube, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc. in my business name, where I post photos of myself in clown gear, and videos of myself doing my clown thing at parties.
Is it safe to judge from how I am presenting myself that I would be an excellent choice for anyone wanting to hire a clown? Is it wrong to say of me that I must be a clown, when I have gone to so much trouble to convince everyone the I am indeed wanting to be hired as a clown for your next party? Here I am walking around in clown gear, and I should be offended if someone calls me a clown? If I wanted people to think I'm really a Supreme Court Justice, do you think I'd be going around as a clown?
That post wasn't even about Violet Blue and how she presents herself. It was about you getting on your high horse and claiming we must never judge people based on how they look, and all I was doing was saying there are plenty of people who are more than happy to be judged based on their carefully considered personal presentation because they are trying to sell themselves in a business market that JUDGES PEOPLE BY HOW THEY LOOK.
Hence, IF I wanted to sell myself as a sex expert, and I didn't want to use my own name, there's a chance I might get more business if I called myself something clever with sexual connotations than if I went by Agatha Thorndike, yes? I'd probably be better off if I didn't dress in extremely conservative business attire either.
Without knowing Violet Blue, I daresay she's not so foolish as to be unaware that how she chooses to present herself to the public will benefit her in her career if she chooses carefully. Assuming she is aware of how things work in the business world is assuming she possesses a modicum of intelligence, and assuming she knows what she's doing when she sets about cultivating her image.
None of that was intended as an indictment against Ms Blue. It was just to illustrate that there are plenty of situations in which people
expect to be judged on how they present themselves, indeed,
are hoping that they will be judged on how they present themselves,
because they want to be found and accepted by the people to whom they are marketing themselves for business purposes.
You're the one who took advantage of all the people who couldn't see the forest for the trees, and turned this into the monumental mess it became, and even then, when it didn't go your way, you had to go offsite whining about the mean ladies on VV who made you cry. But that's par for the course for most misogynists. Set women against one another by a little clever manipulation and a little clouding of the real issue, and then you can just sit back and enjoy the catfight.