Cravings !


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Jun 5, 2012
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Somewhere in the South
  1. Other
I have been craving prawns lately and am not feeling happy about it !!!

Today the craving has got worse as I have a slight migraine and am under a lot of stress.

Any advise would be greatly appreciated as I am certainly not going to give in.

Can you get the fake prawns where you live? I think they sell a lot of mock-fish things in Chinese shops. I tried one at a vegan fayre and I thought it was weirdly realistic.

I think it is nori/sea vegetables that have a fishy taste too?
I wouldn't think so but I could find out. Problem is the Chinese shop is far away and I can't go out. Is Nori like seaweed because I don't like it !:oops:

Thanks Molls !!!:hug:
Yes, I don't like nori either, I think it's vile, maybe the taste of eating it will put you off the idea of eating fish.:rofl:
Prawn and cocktail crisps? They don't taste much like prawns but they are tasty!

Or maybe you could make a mock prawn salad? Use a dressing with vegan salad cream and tomato sauce like people often do for real prawns... but I don't know what you would put in it.

Or if you can't find faux prawns, maybe fishless fish fingers would do if you could find some of those? Perhaps something fishy will be enough. I find they can be pretty realistic.
I can only really think of the mock prawns... you could try flavouring some tofu chunks with a seafood-style sauce? When I'm craving fish, I batter a big chunk of lightly salted tofu...
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Prawn and cocktail crisps? They don't taste much like prawns but they are tasty!

Or maybe you could make a mock prawn salad? Use a dressing with vegan salad cream and tomato sauce like people often do for real prawns... but I don't know what you would put in it.

Or if you can't find faux prawns, maybe fishless fish fingers would do if you could find some of those? Perhaps something fishy will be enough. I find they can be pretty realistic.

I think that I'll have to move back to the UK to find all of that stuff !:rofl:
Ah rats sorry, I was thinking you lived in the UK but now I remember you don't... ignore me then!
How did you eat the prawns? Sometimes cravings are more about how a former food was prepared than the actual food itself, like buffalo wings. I have discovered that it was the sauce and dressing that drew me to eat those things back in the day. So now, I make buffalo seitan nuggets, and they always satisfy my need for buffalo sauce and dressing :D.
Is there a specific dish you're craving? If so, maybe try something vegan prepared or seasoned in a similar way.

Edit: PTree15 posted the same thing at the same time!
I liked them with forbiden rice (Najing) sauteed with vegetables, with chili and garlic, in curry or mixed with rocket/aragula and avocadoes. Actually, I liked them cooked in every single way.
Great minds, RabbitLuvr ;)....Ooooh, that first option sounds great even without the prawns! If it's the texture you're after, maybe you could use throw in some grilled seitan or extra firm tofu chunks.
Great minds, RabbitLuvr ;)....Ooooh, that first option sounds great even without the prawns! If it's the texture you're after, maybe you could use throw in some grilled seitan or extra firm tofu chunks.

It is strange as the craving hasn't gone away. It isn't just about texture. It is the taste, aroma and the feeling of having eaten something satisfying.
I made some wholwheat penne with sauteed onions, zuchinni/courgettes, garlic with fake parmesan for dinner. Unfortunately I didn't enjoy it at all.:confused:
they look like this