Oh. Oh dear. Wow. Um, okay. Where to start?
Privilege isn't a place, it's a scale.
Yes, and the highest part of the scale could be called a place.
Stop being a bloody racist and sexist and assuming you know what people have or have not experienced based on the color of their skin or their biological gender. A lot of people get a lot of insults due to their station in life, and what choices they've made. Don't act like they'll shrug off another insult just because it's in a different vein than what they usually experience.
Wow, seriously? I'm a racist and sexist? Really? You're going to pull the reverse racism card?
Okay, that's pretty funny. Sorry for being racist against white people and sexist against men. Both of which are impossible. Also, I belong to both categories.
In conclusion, no, I'm not actually sorry because what you described isn't a thing, and even if it was it definitely isn't my thing. Thanks for the laugh though.
There's no monolithic white population or cis population. To believe otherwise is to engage in bigotry.
You assume that everything is equal, is the thing. It
should be equal. It's not. Our society sucks. You can't be bigoted against a group that's in power
because they are in power. It's ******* awful but it's how our society currently works. You don't want to change that? Because you can't change it without challenging it. And you're not going to challenge it by continuing to have a fit about sporadic and meaningless incidents where someone from a privileged group cries about the fact that their privilege has been pointed out to them.
Could you do me a favor and please get out more? Learn how other people live. You think that whiteness or cisness is some magical shield? It's not. They can be in situations where they are mocked and discriminated against every day. And what may be a harmless insult to you, in what appears to be a pampered life where you are free from most insults, can be the straw that breaks the camel's back for them.
No, it's not a shield. But they aren't discriminated against
because they're white or cis. Just because there are homeless white people and cis people are the victims of crimes and so on doesn't make them any less privileged,
because they're not being discriminated against because they're white or cis. Whereas someone who is a PoC or trans* has to deal with both the problems that plague everyone
and the consequences of discrimination.
You don't know my life, so I'd make a big deal out of that accusation, but I suppose I do live a relatively pampered life. However, I am queer, and there are problems that come with that. Unless you're hiding something or just haven't felt the need to say it, I'm assuming you're straight given your past behavior and arguments, so I think it's fair to say that in that area you don't understand what I go through, as much as you might pretend you do. I don't go around shouting it to the streets, but I still have to listen to the BS everyone around me spouts about gsrm. At most, they can be outright assholes, and at the very least many of them grossly misunderstand how things work when it comes to gsrm issues.
And if someone with privilege truly is broken by an insult from someone without it, then that is awful, I hope they are okay, and the person who insulted them was probably being rude. Their behavior isn't excused. However, like I said, this is a SOCIETAL SCALE PROBLEM and not something that can be solved with a little "why can't we all just get along" rhetoric. That's generalizing, and it's offensive to the people who are actually working to solve these problems instead of just sitting atop the scale of privilege (is that better?) and saying "okay, all you minorities, I know you're discriminated against, but, uh, we should all just be nice to each other in general. What? You're struggling? I don't know what you mean, I'm not struggling. And when I am, I can just fix it because society gives me the tools to! You're murdered daily for who you are? The law systematically treats you like dirt? One time I stubbed my toe! Also, white people get murdered every day, too! Some white people have had injustice committed against them!"
Again, please, stop the bigotry. Stop acting like you know what a person's life is like just because of their skin color or their gender or sexual orientation or sexual identity. Because this is the real world, and life doesn't work that way. There are people in all walks of life that have problems. And another slur ain't helping them.
I'm not presuming to know anyone's story, das_nut. I've never said that.
It's easy enough to say "F*** all acts of bigotry". We don't need to rate them. We don't need to dismiss some as being less offensive. We can be against them all. It's easy enough to do.
But by doing so, you are dismissing and trivializing the struggles that trans* people and PoC (and many more, but we've been using these two examples so far) face every day and acting like the struggles that cis and white people face (no struggles are unique to cis and white people except for being told they have privilege, and every struggle they face is unrelated to their cisgender or white status) are on level with struggles everyone else faces. Which they aren't, because specific transgressions against cis and white people based on their cisgender or white status
don't exist. Society treats them as the normal ones. The default in every situation, while trans* people and PoC are continually mocked by a culture that singles them out and then gets uppity and defensive when it's called out on the fact.
I think you're definitely well-meaning, with your talk of treating every struggle like every other. You just don't see the fact that in doing so you are eliminating exposure of the struggles of people who are actually at risk for who they are.