How long did it take to transition?


Apr 27, 2015
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  1. Vegan newbie
It is not easy making a commitment to being a vegan or vegetarian. There are some people who are losing their focus and are having struggles transitioning into their new lifestyle or diet. Do you have some inspiring personal stories and can you let us know how long it took you and how was it during transition.
I don't know about inspiring personal stories, but it did take me quite some time to become fully vegan. Becoming vegetarian was simple for me, because the bottom line was no meat. It was much more straightforward to me than veganism, because if you're eating meat, you know it, and so it was a pretty easy mental transition. It was easy to avoid meat because just looking at it or tasting it reminded me of the disgustingness and the repercussions. But when I became vegan, I couldn't just not drink milk or eat eggs, but I also couldn't eat foods that used them as ingredients. (Which are a lot!) I had to start really inspecting labels and I gave up a lot of foods that I had previously loved, which I definitely don't regret, don't get me wrong! It was just much more of a challenge. And with the larger challenge came the infinite benefits!
A lot depends on your lifestyle. I was still at school when I transitioned so it was a gradual process of cutting down on meat. Then I was at college and I was able to choose all of my meals and as I was older my parents let me cook for myself so I did and was able to control my diet. My brother decided to be a vegetarian a few months after me and seeing what I ate and it became easier to cook for both of us and we used to decide what to eat for dinner together.

It does help having someone transition at the same time. I also joined the Vegetarian Society for more information and guides. I then wrote a dissertation on protein for a vegetarian diet for my A' levels which also helped me.
Not inspirational, my transition was overnight. I wasn't a big meat eater before I went vegan. Cheese was my issue. I've always struggled with eating animals, but I thought I needed it for health. As I was learning that I don't, I came across the videos. You know the ones. Once I saw what they went through, I couldn't even look at cheese. When I look at meat or dairy or eggs, I see those images.. I could never touch them again. I might as well be the one hurting them and I never could, so I will never touch another animal product again.
It is not easy making a commitment to being a vegan or vegetarian. There are some people who are losing their focus and are having struggles transitioning into their new lifestyle or diet. Do you have some inspiring personal stories and can you let us know how long it took you and how was it during transition.
well it all starts in the mind. If you can think it you can achieve it. It's not easy at first but as you start to feel better it gets easier with each day. The benefits is worth the struggle, and as you learn how to remake the kitchen cabinets you will find plenty of tractional options on the market.
For me I took my vegan pledge at New Years. I found it so easy to keep because I could just tell everyone in my family that I was going vegan for New Years, and they didn't really question it. Also quite easy to count the years since going vegan. As for the transition? I had already mentally prepared myself for being vegan the moment I decided I was doing it for New Years, I think it was everyone else that had issues hahahah!
well hard to say. Jan 14 i did the veggie month and after that i really cut back on the amount of meat i ate. this year i did the january again and afterwards pretty much kept up with it. i was a relaxed veggie. i.e at home i was 95% veggie but if we were out or at friends i would eat whatever they gave me. Then i agreed to go on a alkaline diet book 21 diet challenge and here i am half way through it.

I was not a big meat eater but i could and would eat it. Milk was not a massive issue as my other half is lactose intolerant so we'd swapped to almond/rice milk about 2 years ago. that includes chocolate and butter. My issue is cheese i love strong cheese and i love pizza! i need help on that.

3 years ago i'd probably eat about 1lb of meat per day. during my relaxed veggie stage this year i'd probably eat 1 meal every 3 weeks.

This for me is a health thing not ethical, however my other half thinks i'm weird and i do have to sit at home and watch her devour her macdonalds. i do steal some of the fries.

Each day is a challenge at the moment.