Is sea moss really as great for nutrition?

Some plastics do indeed leach out some chemicals, although that quickly tails off over time.
Even if they did, in the time they are leaching out they might not be that healthy.

However, food-grade plastics have to be specifically designed not to do that (for all the obvious reasons). There's no more problem with milk coming in a plastic bottle than a glass one

That might be very hard to believe for some people.

How the plastic breaks down and degrades once its useful life is done is a separate question. However, plastic polymers are VERY stable (hence why they take so long to break down) and so the very thing that makes them such a problem when thrown away into the environment is also exactly why they are so incredibly safe when destined for a landfill.
But one might think it doesn't matter anymore considering how it looks like in the environment.

I suppose it's like everything; if people are careless with it then it'll cause lots of problems.
May be even if they care.

Dealt with responsibly and it's very manageable.
Well, actually it does not look like that. Respectively may be there is some responsibly missing.
Even if they did, in the time they are leaching out they might not be that healthy.
That might be very hard to believe for some people.
But one might think it doesn't matter anymore considering how it looks like in the environment.
May be even if they care.
Well, actually it does not look like that. Respectively may be there is some responsibly missing.
In fact all the points you make are ones I agree with. I just see the summary slightly differently to you.

Ultimately, I am not particularly worried about the packaging used but rather the attitude of both manufacturers and consumers. If, as you say, there was a little more collective responsibility shown then any claim the choice of packaging was as responsible one would be easy to accept. As it is, we are all suspicious that the choice is made to simply maximise profit or personal convenience without showing any concern towards other consequences. We all have a part to play and yet not everyone is prepared to play it.

You, of course, by asking these questions, are already firmly on the side of responsible action. I wish a few more people would be more questioning.
Actually, I can't imagine that the world could be saved (whatever one means by "saved").

No, no, worrying about the packaging (one tiny, cute worry in an infinite number of small, cute, and giant worries) seems really ridiculous compared to other things happening on Earth as the madness continues to take shape (into a madness one cannot even imagine), one might think. And it is extremely funny (even for people like me without any kind of humor) to hear what people are saying to stop the so-called climate change and what is radically happening in the world against that.

We all have a part to play and yet not everyone is prepared to play it.
Well, yes, that sounds true, but the roughly 10% or fewer people/business groups in the world who have the greatest impact on the world really are, one may think (but may be even without any concern). So it even seems that they are very well prepared for playing (perhaps a completely different game, but just a game).

but the attitude of both manufacturers and consumers.
Okay, that leaves only the (super)politicians who can save the world.

You, of course, by asking these questions, are already firmly on the side of responsible action. I wish a few more people would be more questioning.
Thank you. But no, no, unfortunately I really am not at all. I just try to survive somehow in my tiny, ridiculous world (thinking of ridiculous packaging). That's all.
Lots of "may" be beneficial and nothing certain other than some serious negatives to watch out for, such as thyroid issues, cancer, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea for example. Personally I would avoid it like the plague!
Health Benefits of Sea Moss
Yes, sea moss is highly nutritious and packed with minerals. It's also a type of algae known for its health benefits. To learn more about sea moss nutrients, you can visit here.
This site sells produce and thus has a vested interest. Get your information from proper medical sources.
Thank you very much for the link. Yes, very interesting. A thought that might actually arise indeed is that a source that provides information about the products it sells might not be as neutral as the information should be. But who knows...

Many thanks for the Health Benefits of Sea Moss link.
I never tried sea moss before until last month and I gotta tell you. I’ve been taking little bit of sea moss gel daily and being pretty consistent and I’m seeing a lot of benefits like more energy, and little bit of weight loss.
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I've been using sea moss for a while and I've noticed a significant improvement in my overall health. The nutritional benefits are incredible, and I've even experienced some weight loss as a result. However, I've recently decided to buy Wegovy online and started using it. I should say, it all works great for me.
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