Even if they did, in the time they are leaching out they might not be that healthy.Some plastics do indeed leach out some chemicals, although that quickly tails off over time.
However, food-grade plastics have to be specifically designed not to do that (for all the obvious reasons). There's no more problem with milk coming in a plastic bottle than a glass one
That might be very hard to believe for some people.
But one might think it doesn't matter anymore considering how it looks like in the environment.How the plastic breaks down and degrades once its useful life is done is a separate question. However, plastic polymers are VERY stable (hence why they take so long to break down) and so the very thing that makes them such a problem when thrown away into the environment is also exactly why they are so incredibly safe when destined for a landfill.
May be even if they care.I suppose it's like everything; if people are careless with it then it'll cause lots of problems.
Well, actually it does not look like that. Respectively may be there is some responsibly missing.Dealt with responsibly and it's very manageable.