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I finally found a documentary that I've been looking to purchase ever since I first watched it about three years ago: Enjoy Poverty. It's on a Dutch website similar to Amazon: It's a Dutch film, so it makes sense. It's also $48 when you include shipping to the U.S, and it's region 2. It's my understanding that Americans are the target audience, so I don't understand why it's so difficult for me to get.


It was unoriginal and cheesy, but kept me interested. I wouldnt watch it again but if anyone fancies a brain numbing dystopian sci fi its worth a watch.
Have I mentioned yet that I recently watched Donnie Darko and thought it was awful?

Because it was one of the most shocking moments of my life. Perhaps because my mother hyped that movie so much when I was growing up.
Have I mentioned yet that I recently watched Donnie Darko and thought it was awful?

Because it was one of the most shocking moments of my life. Perhaps because my mother hyped that movie so much when I was growing up.
:eek: Why is that?
:eek: Why is that?
Movie spoilers below:
The second I told my mother I really hadn't cared for it she immediately went "let me guess, bad science." But it's not even bad science, I can enjoy movies with bad science. I just felt that Donnie Darko wasn't really consistent with its own established premise and kind-of took itself too seriously.

For example, the pages of the book that Roberta Sparrow wrote never really tie into the story. I mean you can sort-of say the whole "manipulated dead" applies to Frank but who was manipulating him? What was the purpose of manipulating him? So Donnie could go back in time and kill himself? Couldn't that just be avoided by not interacting with Frank in the first place? Why did he even need to die? If he had the power to "build a time machine" (which is never expanded upon in any form) then why couldn't he just go back and warn himself? Because the "tangent universe" had to go away as well?

I don't know, I felt like a lot of the time the movie was just trying to be way too complicated when it didn't really have the material. I can appreciate complex time travel storylines and really thrive on them, even if there's bad science involved. Donnie Darko just felt like it was way in-your-face all the time with flashy screens and giant close-ups of eyeballs and all this computer code scrolling past when all of it meant absolutely nothing to the actual story.

Don't get me wrong, there were some legitimately great parts. A lot of the stuff with his family was great, the dialogue was funny and sometimes meaningful. Oh, and I really liked how he called out that phony motivational speaker on his **** (even before he turned out to be a pedophile). Drew Barrymore's character I thought was really cool as well. But when it started trying to get into the deep sci-fi stuff it started tripping over its own feet (although I must admit the ending with Mad World was sad and creepy and everything they were probably going for; that is to say, effective).

Oh and holy **** Jake Gyllenhaal but that goes without saying.
Star Trek Into Darkness. As one who has hardly watched any of the other Star Trek movies or television shows, I thought it was pretty good, although I was slightly confused at the beginning.

Spock's emotions were a little hard to understand, but I suppose that is because he is half-human and half-Vulcan, right?
Star Trek Into Darkness. As one who has hardly watched any of the other Star Trek movies or television shows, I thought it was pretty good, although I was slightly confused at the beginning.

Spock's emotions were a little hard to understand, but I suppose that is because he is half-human and half-Vulcan, right?

Yes. The explanation provided in the original series stated that thousands of years ago, Vulcans were living in a violent society. They decided to rid themselves of violence and live in a more harmonious society by suppressing their emotions. However, Mr. Spock is only half-Vulcan, so he has to try harder to keep his emotions in check, and doesn’t always succeed.
Just watched Upside Down. Cute, and I liked the way they had some places with rooms that included both planets. I read a review before watching the movie that said, as long as you don't think about the laws pf physics that were broken, it's not a bad movie. That was pretty accurate.
I saw "Through the Never" in 3-D at the IMAX. Pretty sweet. It was like being on the rail at a show. And of course, the music rocked. :D
This is The End- I had been wanting to see this since it came out and finally got a chance to today. The first half of the movie was hysterical! There were so many well known actors in it playing themselves and making fun of themselves. The second half of the movie wasn't as good imo.
If you're a fan of Judd Apatow's movies then I definitely recommend this one. I also recommend it if you want to see Michael Cera for once not play the same character! Shocking, I know!
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I saw Mama the other night and it was disappointing and not even a little bit frightening.