Welcome Humble Carrot!
I understand how you feel! being an ethical vegan is a lifestyle choice that can separate you a bit from others. It's especially painful when it's your own loved ones, believe me I know. The other day I let a little bit of dairy cream slip into my coffee
first time in three years something like that has happened. I could feel myself getting desensitized and rolling back, so I watched Dominion and woke myself up all over again. Being awake can be painful but it's better than sleepwalking and laughing about it! Just don't let your heart get hard. Give yourself beautiful moments with nature that only a connected heart can really enjoy! Spend time with your animal friends. I swear they will feel your devotion towards them and it will uplift your spirits. my dog and cat love to meditate with me. It's so touching! I'll even talk to them in a very natural way. whether they fully understand me or not doesn't seem to matter to either of us because we obviously enjoy it! Let yourself be a part of their Kingdom. Embrace their energy. Even something as small as eating a tomato can feel so much more magical now! Because I know in my heart and soul I am truly not harming anyone! That tiny whisper in the back of my mind of "This was once a living, breathing, feeling, being!" is gone forever. Keep giving yourself those beautiful moments take your time and trust that one day we'll all wake up 
I understand how you feel! being an ethical vegan is a lifestyle choice that can separate you a bit from others. It's especially painful when it's your own loved ones, believe me I know. The other day I let a little bit of dairy cream slip into my coffee

I understand how you feel. I am a very easy going person and I never flaunt my ethically vegan way of life at the people around me. Unfortunately, that doesn't stop them from doing it to me with animal products. It can be painful watching them chomp, gobble, slurp, rub their bellies and laugh in my face. But I would rather feel that pain then become desensitized to the suffering of others or use the very life of others for my base enjoyments and appetite.