Post something cool from the Internet -2018

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yeah, it seemed like pot fairly quickly for me.....most flowers are just not that powerful.:D
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I've seen that before and tried it. I must be doing something wrong because that technique never worked for me.

I just tried it with an old Canderel jar, and it worked pretty well. Better than in the video, as you only need one hand, and you can shake it more vigorously.
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Interesting idea, hope it works and helps someone.
In order to discreetly reach abused children, one aid organization designed a clever billboard that only displays a hotline number for people shorter than 4’5″. The secret is a precisely serrated surface, a Lenticular lens, that reflects light differently to those looking from above and below a specified height. Shorter people (children) see the following message on a street sign: “If somebody hurts you, phone us and we’ll help you,” along with a confidential number to call the Spanish organization, Aid to Children and Adolescents.

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