My dad loved Kirk. We watched that show together as a (nerdy) family when I was a kid, and we kids would vulcan nerve pinch and Kirk double punch one another right and left. Plus Kirk got all the chicks, not discriminating by species.Heh. It said I was Kirk. I'm okay with that. People respected that ************.
Lol! There was that one other episode with him though, as Admiral Pike, I think. The one with the little aliens with big brain heads.Captain Pike was good.
For an hour.
My dad loved Kirk. We watched that show together as a (nerdy) family when I was a kid, and we kids would vulcan nerve pinch and Kirk double punch one another right and left. Plus Kirk got all the chicks, not discriminating by species.
Lol! There was that one other episode with him though, as Admiral Pike, I think. The one with the little aliens with big brain heads.
New band: Flock of Eagles:
Sunderland says the eagles were feasting on garbage bags of fish product in the bed of a pickup truck.
So, what you're saying, is that an animal who eats out of the trash is smarter than me.