UK Product Thread

It says here that their ingredients are tested on animals:

Naturewatch talk about it here:

They say that companies can't avoid testing *new* ingredients on animals, but L'Oreal choose to do that, knowing that it will require animal suffering. So whether or not their final products are tested seems immaterial, they are causing avoidable animal suffering and as an ethical veggie, I won't buy from them.

I think you misunderstood me (unless this wasn't directed at me!), I didn't mean that meant it was okay to buy them, I just meant that was how they got away with saying they don't test on animals. I wouldn't class that as ought right lying (in terms of what I said before) because I generally ask if companies
- test products on animals
- test ingrediants on animals
- subcontract to people to test on animals
and if they say no to all three I say okay I believe you, even if they're not buav approved, if they avoid one of the questions or don't respond, I don't use their products.
It says here that their ingredients are tested on animals:

Naturewatch talk about it here:

They say that companies can't avoid testing *new* ingredients on animals, but L'Oreal choose to do that, knowing that it will require animal suffering. So whether or not their final products are tested seems immaterial, they are causing avoidable animal suffering and as an ethical veggie, I won't buy from them.

Thanks for clearing it up. :)
Fixed cut off date is the key phrase.
If a company says they use a fixed cut off date it means means that the company will not buy or use ingredients that have been tested on animals by themselves or their suppliers after a set date (e.g. 1995)
Loreal say 'we havent tested on animals since' meaning (to me) that theyre saying they many have stopped but outsourcing the testing I right in thinking that way...

Anyway, I have found out that Barry M use a fixed cut off date of 1990. :)

Also AMAZING news. TK MAXX stores are selling IRON FIST (100% vegan) shoes for £25 RRP=60-100!!! I havent gotten any ..yet
I love kettle chips. & today while getting lunch I noticed flamed steak flavour kettle 'ridge crisps' (are these new??) which are vegan so OBVIOUSLY I had to get some

Ohhhh, they are good. ;)
Really? I didn't like them. The salt and vinegar ones on the other hand... :master:
I think you misunderstood me (unless this wasn't directed at me!), I didn't mean that meant it was okay to buy them, I just meant that was how they got away with saying they don't test on animals. I wouldn't class that as ought right lying (in terms of what I said before) because I generally ask if companies
- test products on animals
- test ingrediants on animals
- subcontract to people to test on animals
and if they say no to all three I say okay I believe you, even if they're not buav approved, if they avoid one of the questions or don't respond, I don't use their products.

No it wasn't directed at you :)
I think your policy is sound. I doubt a company such as L'Oreal would outright lie but they can pick and choose their wording to give a false impression. Bastards.
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Also AMAZING news. TK MAXX stores are selling IRON FIST (100% vegan) shoes for £25 RRP=60-100!!! I havent gotten any ..yet

I just googled those, they look awesome. I'm going to look in our TK MAXX asap!

Once at a Bristol Vegan Fayre I got some beyond skin shoes for £20 in the sale. I love them to bits.
........ cheap Iron Fist shoes? I'm soooooo going to TK Maxx next chance I get. A Mr Shoes near me had a closing down sale. I'd been lusting after some Iron Fists in there for AGES and then it had a 50% off sale. I couldnt belieeeeve my luck. I really really really want some of those ones with sequin skulls! I hope TK Maxx has some!

Only problem is I cannot wear shoes without an ankle strap, they fall off! funny as I can wear flipflops fine. My current iron fist ones I had to leather punch holes in and use ribbons to make my own straps, oh deary.
:) yay, I might get a chance to look in my lunch break tomorrow *excited*

I loved those too, and the lovelace oxford ones. Lots of lovely heals but living in the giant hill that is Sheffield I've gone from wearing heals daily to wearing them never.
I love kettle chips. & today while getting lunch I noticed flamed steak flavour kettle 'ridge crisps' (are these new??) which are vegan so OBVIOUSLY I had to get some

Ohhhh, they are good. ;)

Love those! Only thing is I can never just have a few it's always half a packet (of the big packets).
The TK Maxx near me is useless!:rolleyes: It's full of tat. I might go and look for these vegan shoes there and will hopefully be pleasantly surprised.
Ooo, I will have to check out these shoes too.

Love those! Only thing is I can never just have a few it's always half a packet (of the big packets).

Ha, so true& easily done. They are too delicious. Never buy the big packs! :p
We just had some Mamma Cucina frozen pizzas (found at H&B) tonight, that were pretty decent. We're talking about frozen pizza here, but I'd buy it again. Also, it was wayyyy better than the Redwoods ones, which were very disappointing.
Half a packet? What are you guys, man or mouse? I eat them by the big packet :oops: in my defense, I rarely eat crisps, and when I do I take no prisoners :cool:

The TK Maxx near me is useless!:rolleyes: It's full of tat. I might go and look for these vegan shoes there and will hopefully be pleasantly surprised.

Yeah they can be so hit or miss. It's the same with quite a few highstreet shops, there's a topshop in Cribbs causeway (bristol) that just looks like a jumblesale because it's so untidy, it's really off putting.
Yeah they can be so hit or miss. It's the same with quite a few highstreet shops, there's a topshop in Cribbs causeway (bristol) that just looks like a jumblesale because it's so untidy, it's really off putting.

It's annoying. People have told me that they can get cheap vegan toiletries in their local store. I can't remember the name of the brand at the moment.
On a whim, we decided to do our weekly shop in Sainsbury's this week. They had 3 freezers for vegetarian stuff, and they were all completely empty. Not a single box on the shelves. There were no staff around to ask but I assume it's a supply problem... disappointing, it looked like they have quite a lot of variety.