UK Product Thread

Yeah they use like industrial stuff. I always took my own if I was getting done at the hairdressers

Digger, just noticed your post. This is the UK product thread. We dont get that brand here.
My hair is in much better condition now I don't colour it but I'm getting so bored with it! I think I will just have some blonde highlights for a few months during the "summer" and then try and go back to my natural colour.
Does anyone have any multivitamins they could recommend? Im starting to feel run down recently so eh it couldnt help. All of the ones in Superdrug only said vegetarian. probably worth mentioning that i'm one of these people who cant take iron as it makes me sick. I dunno whether the same would happen if it was a multivitamin WITH iron rather than alone, but id rather not find out.
Does anyone have any multivitamins they could recommend? Im starting to feel run down recently so eh it couldnt help. All of the ones in Superdrug only said vegetarian. probably worth mentioning that i'm one of these people who cant take iron as it makes me sick. I dunno whether the same would happen if it was a multivitamin WITH iron rather than alone, but id rather not find out.

Holland and Barrett has one labeled for VEGANS in big letter. haven't tried it but noticed it today when i was shopping. Don't know if it had iron it.

I find just taking a B complex helps me to feel less run down.
I take the vegan societies Veg1 ones. They're specifically designed for vegans and they're chewable which I think helps you absorb them better. I just take it for the b12 really.

No iron. B2, B6, B12, vitamin D, folic acid, iodine, selenium.

:) They taste alright too, and are quite low in price because they - according to them - sell them below the RRP.
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I tried it once and wasn't that impressed, but I think milks are really subjective.

We did our weekly shop at Ocaldo (waitrose) online because we had a voucher and they had loads of vegan things I wanted to try! I had aduki bean kieves from Cauldron and taifun sausages, because I really like their tofu. They also had mushroom and chestnut cutlets that sounded really good. Lots of their bread had milk in it though - I swear that only ever happens in waitrose an marks and spencers, it's never been a problem elsewhere. I got some walnut bread, and some yummy looking fruit bread though. I'm excited! New yummy foods! I'll probably let you know what I thought when I eat them. :)
I take the vegan societies Veg1 ones. They're specifically designed for vegans and they're chewable which I think helps you absorb them better. I just take it for the b12 really.

No iron. B2, B6, B12, vitamin D, folic acid, iodine, selenium.

:) They taste alright too, and are quite low in price because they - according to them - sell them below the RRP.

I like the VEG1 tablets too. I have some of the H&B ones too but they don't taste good chewed.
I went in H&Bs today with the mentality of "if I cant find any in here I'll get the veg1 ones". Turns out all of the vegan vitamins in h&bs have iron in them. Theres some
"senior" ones without iron (apparently old people dont need iron?!) but they were gelatiney.

so I will order the veg1 ones! whee thanks guys. sorted.

edit : Does stuff REALLY take 21 days to arrive from the vegan society?! Thats ages away!
We've ordered the Veg1 loads of times and it never takes that long. I think once it came in two days. I'm still taking an antenatal one from Viridian, before that I was using something from Solgar. Karl takes the Veg1 but something in it made me itchy/scratchy (maybe the flavoring?).

Are you anti-iron? :D
Hahaha no, I'm one of those people where vitamins with iron make me pukey. Apparently its quite common. Annoying! wouldnt mind if it was just iron, but even a vitamin with iron in it has had similar effects so im not spending money to find out if that brand does the same.
Yeah it's never taken an unusual amount of time for me, I don't remember how long but I've ordered it a few times and if it took longer than a week I would have noticed and been annoyed. :) So I don't think it ever has.
I don't usually shop in tesco but while in there today I noticed their own brand vegan cream cheese. I got the garlic & herb one to try - interested to see if at better than the toffutti one. They also had a plain one & 'mild' & 'medium' strength dairy free style cheddar blocks which I thought was quite exciting! :D
I don't usually shop in tesco but while in there today I noticed their own brand vegan cream cheese. I got the garlic & herb one to try - interested to see if at better than the toffutti one. They also had a plain one & 'mild' & 'medium' strength dairy free style cheddar blocks which I thought was quite exciting! :D

It's sheese's in a tesco box with a cheaper price tag. Which is awesome :D
No way! That is indeed awesome. Is sheese tasty?

I haven't really done the whole non dairy cheese thing yet (apart from cream cheese) because I have nothing to eat it with but it's cool that it's there in tescos if needed. :)
No way! That is indeed awesome. Is sheese tasty?

I haven't really done the whole non dairy cheese thing yet (apart from cream cheese) because I have nothing to eat it with but it's cool that it's there in tescos if needed. :)

I like sheese's spreads. The garlic one and the chive one are great on bagels, and the cheddar one is really tasty on crackers. The hard cheese is less versatile, but still quite nice in the stronger ones. I tend to buy Vegusto hard cheeses though.

This is all just my opinion, though... Dairy free cheeses are really subjective and they're all really different.
I like sheese's spreads. The garlic one and the chive one are great on bagels, and the cheddar one is really tasty on crackers. The hard cheese is less versatile, but still quite nice in the stronger ones. I tend to buy Vegusto hard cheeses though.

This is all just my opinion, though... Dairy free cheeses are really subjective and they're all really different.

Ahhh, thanks. :) will give them a try in the future.

Errr, I had a dream about this cheese last night. Weirdo!