UK Product Thread

They do have a great range...shame that. Be careful as they also stock the 'free from' range near the veggie stuff. As in REAL chicken nuggets that are free from dairy/gluten etc. I assumed they were free from meat and almost bought a box!
They do have a great range...shame that. Be careful as they also stock the 'free from' range near the veggie stuff. As in REAL chicken nuggets that are free from dairy/gluten etc. I assumed they were free from meat and almost bought a box!

I did that today, picked up the sausage rolls that were in the 'vegetarian' section and they were just gluten free. It's lucky that veg*ns are so used to reading labels carefully!
Has anyone else tasted the mushroom and ale Linda McC pies? I thought they were horrible even though they won an award.:p

I didn't like them either, & I'm not too keen on the other Linda Mac pies. I've noticed a lot of new Linda Mac products in shops recently
& all have contained eggs or dairy products - very disappointing.

I've only tried one flavour of Clive's Pies, (Chesnut) & it was really good. I don't usually like savoury pastry, but it was lovely
on that pie.

Morrisons apple, strawberry and lychee juice = nicest juice ever
Nah rubicon lychee juice or sainsburys red grape. Although the cherry one sounds good.... :)
Does anyone on here colour their hair lighter? I am getting bored with mine but I can't remember how I coloured my hair blonde before and which dyes are vegan? I know Naturtint was and maybe Daniel something or other?
Oh, that was it, Field. I thought the Superdrug ones were only vegetarian for some reason.
I think I looked in superdrug once and their semi-permanent once were not vegan. I was thinking about dying my hair a darker brown, but I couldn't find anything semi-permanent, vegan and that I liked, so I just gave up.
I used to have purple hair, then black. Although I see girls with pretty white blond( Kato Steampunk style not Chav white blond) or even red hair I crave dying it but I know itll be a waste because I dont go out much :/
It took ages for my hair to grow out the dye last time. Blurgh!
I tried the Morningstar Farms vegan chik'n strips yesterday but wasn't really impressed. The texture was great but honestly they just tasted like tofu to me, so I think I'll save myself the extra money and use tofu for such dishes.
I used to have purple hair, then black. Although I see girls with pretty white blond( Kato Steampunk style not Chav white blond) or even red hair I crave dying it but I know itll be a waste because I dont go out much :/
It took ages for my hair to grow out the dye last time. Blurgh!

Yeah this is what puts me off permanently dying my hair. I bleached mine and dyed it every bright colour under the sun for about a year or so (red, purple, blue, green (that as a mistake though!), white blond, pink, etc) which was lots of fun, but it took SO LONG for all the incredibly damaged by bleach hair to grow out. It didn't help it was just friends who had never bleached hair before doing it, so by the time I was done it was ruined completely. When I returned, tail between my legs, to a hairdresser they were shocked and cut lots of it off, and I hated having short hair. But they did dye it darker than my natural colour and I really liked that.

Then again, hair does grow back. Sure it takes time, but I don't regret it, and it wasn't the end of the world. It was just nice when I could brush my hair and it didn't all rip/fall out. My hair is naturally very dry anyway so, I was asking for trouble :p
:D Yeah it does so much damage, although I expect there's a lot less if you do it properly.

I wonder how hard it would be to get vegan hair dye in a hairdresser? Impossible I'm sure :(