Yes - seems Forum gods have upgraded the possibilities. Good to see.
Now for my question - which part of my message exactly do you disagree with?
1) That Carol Swain asks for additional "ground rules" required to make sure that muslims and non-muslims can live together? If you look at
her article, she categorically claims that the Charlie Hebdo attack "proves" that Islam is different to other religions and poses a concrete danger to the United States.
What horrendous attack would finally convince us that Islam is not like other religions in the United States, that it poses an absolute danger to us and our children unless it is monitored better than it has been under the Obama administration?
In that article, Ms. Swain claims that this attack "vindicates" the "Tennessee Freedom Coalition" that is obviously warning of the very real danger of Islamic Sharia law being adopted in the United States (specifically in Tennessee)
Read more about this here:
Anti-Muslim Activists Gather In Tennessee to Warn of Shariah | Hatewatch
So what "ground rules" is she specifically talking about (as she is rather oblique on that)?
If Muslims are to thrive in America, and if we are to be safe, then we must have ground rules that protect the people from those who disdain the freedoms that most of the world covets. [Emphasis added]
That very clearly states her belief that "muslims to thrive in America" and "us to be safe" are two mutually exclusive goals (without adding further "
ground rules")
How do you "protect the people" from those who "disdain freedom", and how can you achieve better monitoring of them than the current Obama administration can supposedly assure? (She seems to hint that the attacks in Paris were somehow correlated with negligence of the Obama administration)
There are some ideas that come to my mind, e.g. make them swear (best every year, in a public ceremony) that they publicly denounce whatever disdain of freedom their respective religions might advocate? (Should we then not also make sure that, e.g., Jains who want to visit the US or even live there publicly denounce their disdain of eating animal products, which is also a philosophy that is clearly incompatible with the American Way of Life?
And of course, it might seem reasonable to some to take away some of Muslims' civil rights so that it is easier to monitor them and to prosecute them for whatever bad plans they might harbour? There are a lot of good ideas, I guess the "Guantanamo" approach already serves as good pointers here.
2) Or, do you disagree with my making light of Ms. Swains very understandable concerns by suggesting that the laws we already have (e.g. against murdering people) are already sufficient and thus implying that we do not need additional "ground rules" that Ms. Swain might think of (e.g. revoking of civil rights of muslims so that the NSA/CIA/FBI/Whatever can better spy on them) to make sure "muslims can thrive AND WE CAN STILL BE SAFE".
Best regards,