Moll Flanders
Drawing the prophet: Islam’s hidden history of Muhammad images | World news | The Observer
There has been a lot of fascinating articles recently and apparently there has been a lot of history, going back seven centuries, of drawing the Prophet.
Why Islam forbids images of Mohammed - CNN.com
I think that some of the Charlie Hebdo cartoons do seem racist but that is my personal view. I don't see why the cartoons have to be so ugly and insulting especially when there are obvious tensions in French society with the popularity of FN.
There has been a lot of fascinating articles recently and apparently there has been a lot of history, going back seven centuries, of drawing the Prophet.
Why Islam forbids images of Mohammed - CNN.com
I think that some of the Charlie Hebdo cartoons do seem racist but that is my personal view. I don't see why the cartoons have to be so ugly and insulting especially when there are obvious tensions in French society with the popularity of FN.